9 au 11 mars 2011
Montréal, Canada

Panel: Which NoSQL database should you use?

Invite speakers representing MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB.

My Role: Moderator.

I don't like completely open panels for audience - so this will be 1/2 scripted. 1hr session with initial questions:

- Who are you, and which database do you represent?
- Why should we use your database?
- When should we not use your database?
- How does your database scale? (Sharding type, etc).
- What is your approach to CAP theorem? (aka "Choose any two")

Voir les 146 présentations

Morgan Tocker


Morgan rejoined the MySQL team at Oracle in 2013 as MySQL Community Manager, having previously worked for MySQL and Sun Microsystems. He blogs from tocker.ca, and especially likes the new features in MySQL that make operations life easier.

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