Dave Stokes

Dave Stokes

Dave is a Technology Evangelist for Percona Corporation His background includes anti-submarine warfare, retail data collection, neural networks, device drivers, and too many databases. He lives in Texas with the mandated hound dog and pickup truck.

Sessions Montréal 2024

A Survey of MySQL Indexes

Session en anglais - Débutant

Nobody complains when the database is quick. But when things slow down you try to speed things up by adding an index. Later you try a second index and now things are slower than ever. Indexes can make things faster but you need to know what type of index to use, how to test query performance, and how to maintain them. This session will cover when and how to add an index plus detail how to test their performance.

PostgreSQL for MySQL DBAs

Session en anglais - Débutant

MySQL might be the most popular database on the internet but PostgreSQL is the only top database in the DB Engine Rankings gaining market share. The good news is that if you know MySQL then you have a good base from which to explore PostgreSQL. We will start with a simple installation, account creation, loading data, and some simple queries. Then we will explore the very cool differences and how to exploit them. Expand your skills in this talk!

Sessions Online 2021

Sessions Montréal 2020

Sessions Montréal 2019

Sessions Vancouver 2017

Sessions Montréal 2017

Sessions Vancouver 2016

Sessions Montréal 2012