Henry Been

Henry Been

Henry Been is an independent architect and developer from The Netherlands. He works with software development teams to create and deliver great software. His interests include the Azure cloud, Agile, DevOps, and architecture.

Besides his work, he is a conference speaker , is the author of two books, and creates online training courses for Pluralsight. For his work in the community, he has been awarded the Microsoft MVP Award since 2019.

Sessions Montréal 2025

Just for a Laugh: Building a Compiler

Session en Anglais - Débutant

Have you ever wondered how a compiler works? Well, no more! In this session we will explore how a compiler works: which steps are invoked in which order and what are the intermediate results? We will also explore how we can use these results for other use cases like an interpreter, code analysis or other tools.

If you are ready to completely geek out over how one of the tools you use every day works, come join Henry and find out!

Lightning-fast querying of hundreds of millions of records

Session en Anglais - Débutant

Have you ever ingested data from thousands of IoT devices? Join this session to learn about Azure Data Explorer. We'll start by exploring how a previous solution used hourly, daily, weekly and monthly batch-processing runs to create pre-aggregated datasets and all of the problems this solution brought. From there we'll follow the evolution of the platform, ending at a solution that uses ADX: less code, faster, cheaper and more performant!

The art of getting stuff done

Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire

Want to call in sick for Sprint Planning? Take any excuse to skip the refinement or simply leave 10 minutes in? If all that “sprinting” isn’t working for you, this session is for you! We’ve seen an explosion in methodologies, frameworks, and whatnot, But is this helping us in getting more sh*t done? Sometimes, not always. Given the opportunity and context, I try to do things differently. In this session, I’ll share what helped me get done.

Sessions Montréal 2022