Marco Ippolito

Marco Ippolito

Marco is a Senior Security Engineer at HeroDevs.
Active contributor, releaser, and member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, he is a renowned international speaker and a Microsoft MVP. Marco is actively involved in many projects within the Node.js ecosystem and also serves as a delegate in TC39.

Sessions Montréal 2025

Finite State Machines Made Easy

Session en Anglais - Débutant

Let's dive into the fascinating world of the state machines —a powerful paradigm in software development that brings order and clarity to complex application logic.
At its core, the state machine pattern represents a systematic way of modeling an entity's behavior by defining a finite set of states, transitions between these states, and actions triggered by those transitions.

The Path to Native TypeScript

Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire

Imagine the convenience of executing TypeScript files directly with Node.js using `node file.ts`. Just a few years ago, this concept seemed like a distant dream. Today, it stands as an exciting experimental feature. This narrative dives into the journey of transforming this dream into a reality.

Sessions Montréal 2024