Sean Sullivan

Sean Sullivan

Sean Sullivan is a software engineer in Portland Oregon. He works on platform systems and cloud infrastructure projects. He is passionate about Java, code generators, and continuous delivery pipelines.

Sessions Montréal 2025

Continuous Delivery with GitHub Actions

Session en anglais - Débutant

GitHub Actions enable developers to automate builds and deploy code. Actions are an essential building block for continuous delivery pipelines. We will examine Github’s pre-built Actions and workflow syntax. Attendees will learn how to build custom Action’s and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Netty in the real world

Session en anglais - Débutant

Netty is an open source Java networking framework that enables developers to build high performance systems. Netty is a key building block for open source projects like Netflix Zuul, Apache Pinot, and Micronaut. In this presentation, we will examine how Netty is being used in the real world. We will discuss Netty’s core capabilities and how to apply them. And finally, we will learn how to avoid common pitfalls when working with Netty and Java.