Call for Advisors

17 Aug 2012

ConFoo is looking for experts in various technologies to serve on the advisory panel.

What is ConFoo?

ConFoo is a a conference dedicated to the web development best practices. It is multidisciplinary and includes topics such as backend and frontend programming, project management, security, etc. In February 2012, ConFoo had 600 attendees. Speakers from around the world converged to give some 160 one-hour presentations.

What's an Advisory Panel?

The advisors help the ConFoo team find and pick the best content. They work together to build "tracks". Advisors are not remunerated, but gain advantages such as the power to build a track, visibility for their technology, and reinforcing personal and company brand. Advisors can also serve as volunteers at ConFoo, allowing them to network with international speakers and companies.

Any Deadlines?

The briefing and preparation begin on August 20th. The call for papers begins on August 27th. ConFoo 2013 will be held from February 25th to March 1st in Montreal. For more information about the advisory panel, please contact us by e-mail: