24 au 26 février 2016
Montréal, Canada

Real-Time Data Analytics with Couchbase and ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is a real-time search engine with powerful querying and analytics capabilities. Couchbase Server is a leading NoSQL database, designed for scalability, reliability and speed, with a mechanism for replicating data into ElasticSearch. On its own, each one is awesome; combining the two turns the awesomeness up to eleven! In this session, we’ll see how to tie them together into a seamless data storage and analysis platform.

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David Ostrovsky


David is a Principal Architect at Proofpoint, a software developer and architect with over 20 years of industry experience, trainer, and author of multiple courses and books. He specializes in big data systems, NoSQL, distributed architectures and cloud computing. When not working, he spends far too much time playing strategy video games and strenuously avoiding physical exercise.

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