29 février au 2 mars 2012
Montréal, Canada

Conférence PHP à Montréal

PHP FLOW3 est le framework qui fera fonctionner TYPO3 5.0. Cependant, FLOW3 ne se réduit pas à la création d’un SGC. FLOW3 à pour ambition de concurrencer des frameworks réputés comme Symfony ou CodeIgniter dans le développement d’applications PHP.
Cette présentation sera un aperçu de ce nouveau framework et elle est donc destinée aux personnes qui ne connaissent pas du tout le framework FLOW3.
PHP Somehow you met the impossible deadline, your project is on-line and you now deserve some time to relax. Other than you and me though, the internet does not sleep and your application is under constant attack having hackers have their ways to break into applications and steal or modify private information. Switch sides for an hour and attack the demo blackbox application! Learn how attackers gather information, exploit vulnerabilities and hijack servers - and what to do to stop them.
PHP La cryptographie n'est pas facile à comprendre et encore moins la mettre en place.

Cette présentation se veut une introduction à la cryptographie par la définition, des exemples (php) et la mise en place.
PHP At Smith Electric Vehicles we process billions of pieces of data every week into our telematics system, all coming from remote collection devices continually sending us data. With that data, we need to be able to continually add it to our database, report against it, display recent data, maintain it, and most importantly - ensure we receive every byte of data. No easy challenge!

This talk will discuss some of the concepts, tools and technologies available to help deal with continually processing and managing data through heavily de-coupled systems. From the services needed to ensure you can safely perform maintenance without loosing data, to reporting, storing, managing, displaying and reacting upon this data from within your web application, your database systems while keeping your hair in the process.
PHP Composer is a new PHP dependency manager. It resolves and downloads the packages your project requires.

In this session you will learn how to use Composer to easily manage the libraries and other packages you use. We will go through the basics of dependency management and then move on towards publishing your own packages, be it open source ones or closed company code that is used by multiple projects.
PHP Most developers choose a single cloud solution when choosing a production platform. Nowadays The Hybrid Cloud is the best way to go: combining a stable hosting solution with distributed and burstable unmanaged Cloud platforms.

This talk will combine standard server hosting with cloud platforms such as Azure and AWS for computing, storage & CDN. Besides the technical aspect, there will be a strong focus on best practices from an infrastructure point of view.
PHP Doctrine is an enterprise object persistence layer for PHP 5.3.2+ that supports persisting PHP objects to relational databases like MySQL, Oracle, etc. and document based storage systems like MongoDB as well. Dive in head first and learn the Doctrine way in this talk.
PHP Drupal is a content management system and a web development platform. With a small set of core modules and a large ecosystem of community contributed modules, it can be used fro a variety of use cases including corporate intranets, social web applications, online publishing, and education or government websites. In this talk, we’ll cover the benefits of using Drupal for developers, and how to use and extend Drupal as a web development framework.

Besides being open source and having an active development-driven community, Drupal has many architectural advantages. We’ll discuss these benefits including the hook system, separation of theme and module layers, the emphasis on flexible content architecture, the database integration layer, and Drupal’s coding standards. We’ll also introduce some tools to get you started on the right track, improve the performance of your Drupal projects, and avoid mistakes.
PHP Discover the power and flexibility of Hierarchical MVC (HMVC) and how you can use it in your next project. Learn what HMVC is, why it is an important and helpful architectural concept, and how to use it most effectively in real-world situations to save time and encourage code re-use within your website or application. If you have ever built separate "widget" or "block" systems to re-use certain parts of your layout or code modules when using traditional MVC frameworks, this talk is for you.
PHP Most web applications are changed and adapted quite frequently and quickly. Their environment, for example the size and the behavior of the user base, are constantly changing. What was sufficient yesterday can be insufficient today. Especially in a web environment it is important to monitor and continuously improve the internal quality not only when developing, but also when maintaining the software.

Jenkins is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Thanks to its thriving plugin ecosystem, it supports building and testing virtually any project. This session explains how you can leverage Jenkins to monitor the various aspects of software quality in a PHP software project.
PHP This is a beginner level talk about making your PHP based websites perform better. I'll discuss finding low hanging fruit, opcode caches, memcached, and other tricks to get your page loading faster.
PHP PHP 5.4 is the next up and coming version of PHP. This talk will talk about what this new PHP release brings to the table interms of new functionalities that are available, general improvements and the changes that may impact your existing code.
PHP The following session will be an introduction to PostgreSQL and how to
work with it from PHP. The session will identify the key
advantages of Postgres as a database system, it's specific
functionality's that can simplify work-loads for developers and DBAs
This portion of the presentation will be done through practical code
examples and demonstrate how to work with Postgres from PHP using
both PDO and Pgsql extension. There will be also something for people
looking to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL identifying some key
differences between these
two database system.
PHP PHP iterators have been around since PHP 5, but are heavily under utilized. With all the built-in iterators there is no reason you shouldn't be leveraging it's power and flexibility. In this session you will learn about all the built-in PHP iterators and be guided on how to extend and/or create your own iterators.
PHP Legacy code is a burden that few developers are lucky enough to avoid in their professional lives. We'll look at how legacy code develops and some of the early warning signs to watch out for. Where it's already a problem, we'll explore the strategies that can be used to replace, isolate or integrate that code and some practical methods for achieving it. This talk will weigh these ideas up in terms of time and cost to help you take a pragmatic approach to taming or slaying your monster.
PHP Even if PHP is by far the most popular language to develop websites, it's not the only one. What can we learn from Java, Python, and Ruby? Which best practices and tools can we borrow and/or adapt from these languages? Open-Source, cross-pollination and sharing are the keys to open your mind and benefit from the work of other communities.
PHP The 5 SOLID principles incarnate the essence of good object oriented design and programming. Sadly, only few people know about them and even fewer obey to them in their daily work. In this session we will not only explain the principles without lots of theory, but also show you how to realize them in your everyday work, using practical examples from real world projects.
PHP Modularity is one of the most desired non-functional aspects in software development: Every product wants to be extensible by plug-ins! But beside high quality code, you need extension points so you can easily plug in additional custom modules. This talk will show and compare theory and real life approaches from the PHP world in this direction.
PHP As soon as you decide to use an ORM tool, one of the biggest factors is Rapid Application Development.
Everything is wonderful during development phase, but when it hits production, performance doesn't work like you expect.
You may think it's ORM's fault, your expected it to write as efficient queries as you manually do, but like guns, ORMs don't kill your database, developers do!
This talk will go deep into Doctrine 2 ORM by exploring performance tips that can save your application from its deepest nightmare.
PHP To ensure the high quality of your source code, you of course write (unit) tests and do regular code reviews. Judging the state of security though may seem a lot harder than it is - if you don't know what to look for and where to get started. This talk will introduce you to security audits, why and how tools can assist a manual review and why a mere scanner based approach doesn't work.
PHP The PHPCR specification defines an API that combines the power of NoSQL databases with hierarchical data structures and versioning, powerful search and other features. Content repositories, like Midgard2 or Jackrabbit, can implement the API to provide generic access to their content. Using PHPCR, applications can focus on the application logic and use the API to quickly implement CMS functionality and choose from the solution that best fits their server requirements and scalability needs to handle final persistence.
PHP The RDBMS is often the weakest link of PHP performance. PHP applications also face a second evil: database node failure.
This demo-packed session covers Oracle database mechanisms for PHP performance and high-availability.
Need to sustain 100s of thousands of PHP users with database access? See how Database Resident Connection Pool allows scaling database connectivity without the overhead of connection creation/destruction. The fastest database access is NO db access: see how OCI8 can use Client-side ResultSet caching while maintaining consistence with the database. HTTP is not inherently transactional, see how OCI8 can implement transactions across HTTP requests. Your Database server may fail; see how OCI8 can use Fast Application Notification (FAN) to fail-over database connections to surviving RAC node. Need to upgrade 24 x 7 PHP applications (including database schema)? See how OCI8 use Edition based Redefinition to allow upgrading or patching in use PHP applications.
PHP Most PHP talks are given from the point of view of developers, managers and other obvious stakeholders. The story of the hoster is often untold, but the importance of the hoster is in a lot of cases underestimated. Hosters have a huge responsibility and deal as much with PHP related issues as as the developers of the project. Keywords: security, performance, setup, configuration, scalability, ...
PHP The web is full of advice focussed on improving performance. Before you can
optimise however, you need to find out if your code is actually slow; then you
need to understand the code; and then you need to find out what you can

This talk introduces various tools and concepts to optimise the optimisation
of your PHP applications.
PHP Until recently, the only way to provide integration between a website and a voice-call and a website was with expensive enterprise software. With new services such as Tropo and Twilio, any web developer can integrate a web application with telephone services. We will walk through using these services to initiate phone calls with our users, automatically ask questions and store answers, verify users phone numbers, and allow users to access web services, their account and data by picking up their phone, calling your web service and requesting data.

This talk will walk through real world examples showing how you can quickly and easily integrate with real time voice calls with your users - pushing the boundaries of the web!
PHP Today, large-scale PHP platforms like Facebook demonstrate strikingly that it is quite possible to build scalable, high-performance web applications with PHP. It does not work out to just use an MVC framework as architecture, though. This session allows a peek into web architectures and technologies that large-scale PHP platforms use, and demonstrates how you can use them in your own projects.
PHP This talk will bring you closer to the Symfony2 based Silex microframework, explain use cases, go into internals, such as the Pimple service container, and show you how to use it. After this talk you will know more about Symfony components, PHP 5.3 closures, functional testing, and get a taste of simplicity, minimalism and perfectionism combined.
PHP Stackbox is an ambitious new open source, BSD-licensed content management system aimed to end the "backend" editing paradigm for good. All content editing is done directly in-place and on-page through drag-and-drop JavaScript and AJAX methods. Page content is template-driven with regions defined by CSS classes. Content modules are dropped into regions and sorted live by the user.

The page model in WordPress, Drupal, and most other common CMSes are deeply flawed. Learn the reasons why the Stackbox approach is best and the thinking process that led up to the architecture decisions in Stackbox. Presentation will be followed by a demo, feature overview, and short Q&A.
PHP This sessions is essentially a tour through real life Symfony2 code. No bullet points, only code. During the talk the general architecture and philosophy of Symfony2 will be illustrated. Key design concepts will be shown with practical examples and popular so called "Bundles" that extend the functionality of Symfony2 will be introduced. The audience is encouraged to checkout and setup the code beforehand: https://github.com/lsmith77/symfony-standard/tree/techtalk
PHP Test-driven development is generally regarded as a good move: it should result in simple decoupled design, your tests tend to cover behaviour not methods, and far fewer bugs. However, just getting unit tests in on a real, commercial project is hard - switching to TDD is even harder. We'll examine how we can make small but permanent steps towards full TDD, without losing that progress when deadlines hit. We'll also cover a few methods for learning on your own time and how the whole process can actually be made quite enjoyable.
PHP Various testing tools exist to test the different aspects and layers of PHP applications. There is PHPUnit for Unit Testing (and Test-Driven Development), Behat for Acceptance Testing (and Behaviour-Driven Development), Selenium for System Testing, and a plethora of tools for testing non-functional aspects such as performance and security.

This presentation provides an overview of the goals of each of these tools and shows the first steps to leveraging them in your daily routine.
PHP We are building a highly innovative framework to integrate Drupal sites with touchtone phones and Internet-telephony systems to provide Drupal users with the ability to, among other things:

* Record, send and receive audio messages
* Organize phone-based polls
* Send meeting reminders
* Broadcast emergency announcements
* And much more!

VoIP Drupal will change the way you interact with Drupal, your phone and the web!
PHP This session teaches you how to detect and debug PHP scripts with the free
open source tool Xdebug, which is an extension to PHP. The first part will
quickly show how to get started with Xdebug. The second part of the session
will cover detecting problems in your scripts by showing how Xdebug provides
debugging aides in the form of stack/function traces, dumps of variables,
modified PHP functions. In the last part I will show the remote debugger
capabilities of Xdebug with different IDEs, where you can: set breakpoints on
functions, methods and file/line combinations and evaluating error messages.
On top of this you will also see how you can use Xdebug's profiler to find
bottlenecks in your applications. I will be focussing on the least known
features of Xdebug.

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