26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

HTML 5 Security

HTML 5 is the latest incarnation of the HTML standard. While HTML 5 brings a number of widely criticized security issues, it also includes important security advances. This talk will press beyond the hype and examine some of the new features of HTML 5, explain how they work, and relevant security topics. The intent is to familiarize the audience with the new, security related aspects of HTML 5 and how they will change the app security landscape.

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Justin Klein Keane

University of Pennsylvania

Justin C. Klein Keane is a security engineer and chapter leaders of OWASP in Philadelphia. For over a decade Justin has worked as a trainer, coder, and exploit developer. Justin is currently writing a book for NoStarch Press on hacking, speaks regularly at conferences, holds a masters degree in information technology from the University of Pennsylvania and is credited with hundreds of application vulnerability discoveries.

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