26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

Mastering Modern Python Development and Deployment

In this talk you will learn the best practices and tools for modern Python development. You'll learn how to control and isolate the dependencies in your projects, how to automate tasks and deploy to remote servers, how to test your code against multiple Python versions, and how to write beautiful documentation. Not only you will learn how to apply these tools and techniques, but also the best practices and pitfalls to avoid.

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Pedro Kroger


Pedro Kroger is a professor, programmer, classical composer, and author of the book "Music for Geeks and Nerds". Pedro has a Doctorate in Music Composition and has been programming and composing for more than 20 years. Nowadays most of his academic research is done in Python. He is known to teach programming to musicians, and music to computer scientists. His new book is "Modern Python Development with PyCharm".

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