26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

Remote Working / Asynchronous Working

Over the past 7 years, I've worked as a 100% remote employee for 6 different companies. Through this, I've learned the good, the bad, and the ugly about remote work (as well as time shifted asynchronous work). In this session we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of remote work, for both the employee and the company. Remote work can be a very beneficial and rewarding experience, but requires some shifts in mentality to make it successful.

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Eli White

One for All Events

Eli has been building Web Applications for 20 years and fell in love with PHP the day that PHP 4 was released. Since then he's been a strong advocate for PHP and used it in every project he's worked on. He is currently the Vice President of One for All Events LLC, and Conference Chair for php[architect]. He is a strong advocate for "Just getting it done" when it comes to coding, and speaks at numerous conferences each year.

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