26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

The Spring Data Stack

Data challenges today are as demanding as they are exotic. From data ingestion, online transaction processing, offline batch processing, and integration with specialized domain models to the data-grid, NoSQL store, clustered file system and search index, Pivotal's data stack (Reactor, Spring Data, Spring XD, Spring Integration and Spring Batch along with Pivotal GemFire, Redis, and HD) has got you covered.

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Josh Long


Josh (@starbuxman) is a Java Champion, the Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, author of 5 books (including O'Reilly's upcoming "Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry") and 3 best-selling video trainings (including the best-selling Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons jointly authored with Spring Boot creator Phil Webb) and an OSS contributor

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