Nico Vermeir

Nico Vermeir

Nico Vermeir, is a Microsoft MVP in the field of Windows Development. He works as a .NET architect at Inetum - Realdolmen in Belgium since 2010, where he has a focus on building and architecting modern applications.

In 2011 Nico founded MADN, a user group focusing on developing mobile experiences with .NET. He is currently also a board member of the Visual Studio User Group in Belgium.

Sessions Montréal 2024

From Hell to Heaven: Porting Doom to MAUI

Session en anglais - Débutant

Ever wondered how far we can push MAUI? How about porting Doom into a .NET cross-plaform version?

It all started with: "hey I'm porting Doom to C#, want to have a go at getting it to run on MAUI?".
Couple of months later and Doom was running on my phone as a fully playable game!

In this session I'll explain the limits I've run into, the workarounds, and how much code we can share between the WPF and MAUI versions of Doom.

Secret management in .NET

Session en anglais - Débutant

Secrets, they are widely used in all of our applications. Be it connectionstrings, credentials, API keys and so on. Obviously we don't want these in our source control systems. But where do we put them? How do we change them between environments?
In this session I will show the different approaches provided by .NET. We will take a look at options for your own machine, team shared or cloud-based.
Let's put an end to secrets in source control!

Sessions Montréal 2023