Nicolas works nowadays on Symfony, with two sides to his contributions. As a member of the core team, he helps by helping others to contribute, by reviewing pull requests, by fixing bugs or by modernizing the code base. He puts a lot of effort into making Symfony fast, smooth and extensible, without compromising. On the business side, he leads the ambition to create a sustainable company supporting and supported directly by the Symfony ecosystem.
Session en Anglais - Débutant
Server-to-server communication via HTTP requests seems simple but can be unexpectedly complex. This talk explores challenges from understanding HTTP to mapping requests to your domain and ensuring a great DX when building SDKs. Learn how to overcome these issues using SOLID object-oriented practices and tools like php-http/discovery and symfony/http-client, while addressing the infamous PSR-7 challenges in consuming HTTP APIs.
Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire
You’ve likely used lazy objects in your projects through Doctrine or Symfony without realizing it. Though technically complex, lazy loading is essential for building non-trivial applications. In this talk, we'll dive into the low-level mechanisms that delay object initialization until necessary. The goal isn't daily use but to explore both practical and theoretical aspects for the day when this knowledge becomes essential.