26 février au 1 mars 2013
Montréal, Canada

HTML5 Web Forms

HTML forms have been the bane of web developers for years. Not anymore! Newer form features provide for native date pickers, place holder text, pattern matching, required fields, auto focus, error handling, and providing for the RIGHT keyboard on smartphones, all without JavaScript. Learn everything you could possibly want to know about web forms.

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Estelle Weyl


Estelle Weyl started her professional life in architecture and then managed teen health programs. In 2000, she took the natural step of becoming a web standardista. She has consulted for Kodakgallery, SurveyMonkey, Yahoo!, Apple, and many others. Estelle provides tutorials and detailed grids for CSS3 and HTML5 browser support in her blog. She is the author of “Mobile HTML5? (O’Reilly, Oct. 2012), “HTML5: The Definitive Guide” (O’Reilly, Dec. 2012) and “HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World” (Sitepoi

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