March 10-12, 2010
Montreal, Canada

Can Twitter Make Money?

In a recent PI Window on Business broadcast I talked about the differences between traditional media and the emerging world of social media in terms of having a sustainable revenue model.

Specifically, can the popularity of social media be practically monetized to the same level that traditional media such as television, print and radio had enjoyed in their past glory days (emphasis on past).

Given headlines such as “Twitter CEO: The revenue’s coming soon, but I won’t tell you how,” one cannot help but wonder if the new media moguls even know how to weave high transactional activity into gold.

If social media platforms have indeed evolved to where they are today without a tangible or proven revenue model, what does this mean in terms of ongoing sustainability? This presentation will provide critical insights into how businesses must adapt to the new reality of the social media world, including how to conveert conversational or relational marketing activities into sales.

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Jon Hansen

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