26 février au 1 mars 2013
Montréal, Canada

Android development best practices

In this talk, we'll discuss about the best practices to consider when developing an Android application. First, we'll make a quick overview of Android's constraints and limits. Then, we'll talk about architectural aspects and solutions that must be considered to make your application testable, scalable and maintainable.

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Francis Toth


Francis is a software developer, convinced agilist with over 12 years experience developing highly scalable web/mobile/backend applications, optimizing work processes and managing dev teams. He is currently interested by Functional Programming in general (Scala, Haskell, React…) and distributed computing.

Aside from that, he works as a developer / trainer at Yoppworks, a Scala-dedicated consulting company and co-organizes Lambda-Montreal, a meetup dedicated to Functional Programming.

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