26 février au 1 mars 2013
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Python 2013

Python Learn how to make almost any Python application run faster, without sacrificing the clarity and flexibility of Python. PyPy is a new, fast Python interpreter with a JIT; it runs unmodified Python code. Cython compiles Python to C; a few hints from the programmer can make it run very fast. This talk will show how to use each one and their limits.
Python In this session I'll show you how you can take Flask, a so-called "microframework", and write readable, usable, testable and intelligent code for all of your macro-scale applications. We'll go through basic project structure, API design, ORM integration (including some popular non-relational databases), modular design with blueprints, and testing.
Python Some programming languages don't even have a standard library. Many don't have one as awesome as Python. This is a talk on fifty awesome things I've found in it.
Python Programming is hard, but we can magnify our efforts with excellent API design. Let’s explore how, as we consider compactness, orthogonality, consistency, safety, coupling, state handling, layering, and more, illustrated with practical examples (and gruesome mistakes!) from several popular Python libraries.
Python Live demo of the latest breed of gevent-socketio, Python's cross-framework Socket.IO implementation, supporting protocol version 0.7+, all for your real-time web pleasures.

Action packed live coding, chocolate and laughs with the package's maintainer.
Python Facebook suggests people that you might already know, Amazon recommends books you might like, and LinkedIn shows how you're connected to the CEO of Nokia. We’ll take a look at the basic theory behind how some of these classifiers and recommenders work (no comp. sci. degree required!), and show a few working examples using real-world data.
Python Cette présentation s'adresse à un public qui voudrait démystifier Django.

On va prendre pour acquis qu'on ne connait pas du tout Django pour permettre de bien l'introduire.

L'objectif de cette présentation est de démontrer pourquoi Django est un framework de plus en plus populaire au sein de la communauté web.
Python Python is a fantastic language, and an easy one to jump to for PHP developers.

This talk will help PHP developers make the quick and easy leap over to python and hit the ground running.
Python L'utilisation du chiffrement demeure encore aujourd'hui une zone obscure et peut entraîner, même lors de l'utilisation d'algorithmes sécuritaires, de graves conséquences.

La séance présentera le concept d'oracle de chiffrement, de mauvaises implémentations de chiffrement ainsi qu'une démonstration d'attaque en situation réelle.
Python Vous avez un code en production un peu lent? Des fuites de mémoire? Des problèmes de performances? C'est malheureusement ce nous est arrivé récemment. Cette session est un retour d'expérience des techniques et outils que l'on a trouvés pour résoudre nos soucis.
Python Tests help you write better code and make changes faster with confidence they're right. With the right tools and techniques, they don't have to be a burden. We'll show how to get started quickly with Python's 'unittest' and 'nosetests' libraries, and cover techniques for making your tests test the right thing, be robust to change, and run quickly.

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