26 février au 1 mars 2013
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Devops à Montréal

Devops In today's world of Github, Bitbucket, AWS/EC2, and Virtualization in General, it is helpful to understand public key authentication and SSH in general. The good news is that this seemingly cryptic and magical technology is quite easy to get a handle on once you know a few snazzy recipes.
Devops Phing is build tool based on Apache Ant. Get introduced to Phing by former Ant fanboy that fully turned into Phing power user and comitter recently. This session will cover the Phing basics and give you some ideas where Phing can be used to help you automate your boring and error-prone daily work tasks.
Devops Many developers overlook the importance of automating their deployment process until it is too late. In this talk, we'll discuss the importance of automation and how Chef can help with this task. You will learn how to setup Chef and how to write your own recipes. Vagrant will also be touched upon as it is a great tool for testing Chef recipes.
Devops You already measure app traffic, but do you know how much content your users created in the last hour? Sounds like a job for StatsD and Graphite.

Measure everything in any language. Display these measurements and pre-calculated metrics in ways that make it easy to see growth, failures, and other anomalies in application and system performance.
Devops Emailing *.sql files to the in-house DBA before each release used to work for your single-node, single-environment website. You have recently been tasked with building a multi-environment application architecture when you realize that you need to come up with a more professional process which is less error-prone.
Devops The code you write is the best source of feedback to help you write better code. When your code speaks to you through logs, tests, and documentation, finding and fixing bugs becomes much easier. This talk will show how to implement responsible development practices that allow code to effectively communicate with the developers that create the code.
Devops When it comes to maintaining more than only a few servers, setting up as well as configuring them manually is not an option. But before tools like Puppet can
take over the configuration, you need a working infrastructure. This session will show how easy it is fully automate a CentOS setup using Kickstart installs, custom repositories, and DHCP.
Devops As teams and projects grow to include varying technologies and team members with varying skill and experience levels, a standard yet configurable development environment is essential. Focusing on enabling team development with Vagrant, lets look at solving the “works on my machine”, “new team member” and “working from home” problems.

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