18 au 20 février 2015
Montréal, Canada

Implementing DDD in C#

10 years after the release of the original book Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans we are seeing more and more applications built on the core concepts of DDD. Still, there is a long way to go before we fully grasp all its potential. First we need to change the way we do things in our projects. I this session I will show one of the possible implementation in C# that I've been using for many years now.

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Pascal Laurin


Pascal Laurin est un développeur .NET et MVP C#. Depuis maintenant 12 ans il se passionne pour l'architecture logicielle, les bonnes pratiques de développement et l'agilité. Il est aussi coorganisateur du user group MSDEVMTL.

Pascal Laurin is a .NET developer, a C# MVP and he is very passionate about software development. Among his interests are software architecture, development best practices and agility. He is a MSDEVMTL user group leader were he also speak from time to time.

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