18 au 20 février 2015
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Architecture 2015

Architecture Lately, I have been involved in the design of a personal task manager for IOS, Android and WP8 (built with Xamarin.Forms). Explore with me what I learned during this unique journey. Among others, discover the psychology behind the design elements that attract users and keep them "hooked". Discover how usefulness come from what is not there, the emptiness that generates real value. These topics may seem odd, but the results are not. Less is more.
Architecture A talk on how to structure complex production-ready Django applications.
Architecture It is becoming ever more common for server-side developers to build APIs thanks to the rise of front-end JavaScript frameworks, iPhone applications and generally API-centric architectures. Grabbing data source and shoving it out as JSON sounds easy, but there is so much more. Surviving changes in business logic, database schema updates, using serialization to avoid directly outputting database structure, JSON-API and loads more.
Architecture MVC allows you to divide responsibilities in your application but offers no help in building the most critical part: the domain logic. This talk will introduce ways that can help you to encapsulate the richness of your domain. We'll look at patterns such as Action Domain Responder and Hexagonal Architecture before introducing Domain Driven Design. Find out how to get beyond MVC and begin modelling your domains in rich, powerful and reusable ways.
Architecture A lot of Web Services today claim to be RESTful APIs. But are they really? Do the URLs accurately identify resources? Are the powers of HTTP leveraged properly? What is "Hypermedia", what is the Uniform Interface, and what is the secret behind the HATEOAS acronym that is so essential to the REST architectural style? This talk gives answers, guidelines and examples that show what REST really is about and why Hypermedia matters.
Architecture Beaucoup de systèmes stockent l'état final des objets, ne conservant que le résultat et non pas la cause menant à ce résultat. Or, conserver les "événements métiers" entre deux états d'un objet peut avoir une grande valeur à la fois pour le métier et pour la technique. Dans cette présentation, je parlerai de L'Event Sourcing qui propose d'utiliser les "événements" comme un système de stockage très scalable et qui préserve l'information métier.
Architecture I've been a developer at FreshBooks for almost 5 years. Our technology stack was at one point a monolithic flying spaghetti monster. Today FreshBooks is built out of many small services.

This talk will be about some of the strategies we used to increase test coverage, pay down technical debt and continue to deliver new features to customers. I'll also talk about some of the mistakes we made along the way.
Architecture Dans cette présentation nous verrons une introduction aux « design patterns » et pourquoi il est bon de les connaître. Nous allons ensuite transformer un vrai bout de code en introduisant les bons patterns.
Architecture If you're building or consuming APIs, there are some tools you should know about.

Tunnels make it easy to point callbacks and webhooks to your local development server. Proxy services capture, debug, and replay API traffic. External monitors track uptime for the APIs you use - or provide - and verify expected responses.

Learn about tools that can make you more effective at integrating and releasing APIs, save time, and simplify debugging.
Architecture Quick and reliable data processing keeps businesses at the forefront of their industry. Applications and their data continuously change in the face of non-stop near-real-time analysis requirements. This can pose major delays for businesses and cost money. We present some of these difficulties and address how we use versioning, evolution, and type safety to processing streams and allow for data-replay; with Avro, Kafka, and Scala.

Explorez les 141 présentations

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