22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

The Proximity Problem

Every wondered why you are eager to fix some issues and some leave you cold. Every pondered how your brain can affect the security of the software you build? Then this is the talk for you.

In this talk we will look at 4 human behaviours, the psychology behind them and how they affect our ability to protect what matters most. Finally, giving you some tactics to trick your brain and improve security on the way.

Voir les 152 présentations

Laura Bell Main


Laura Bell Main is a leader in people-focused secure development for fast moving companies, with a focus on building security skills, practices, and culture across the entire engineering team.

She has spoken at a range of events such as BlackHat USA, Velocity, and OSCON on the subjects of privacy, covert communications, agile security, and security mindset. 

She is the co-author of Agile Application Security and Security for Everyone.

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