22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Java et languages JVM à Montréal

Java et languages JVM Have you ever peeked behind the curtain on Java? Beyond Java 8, there's a lot of cool stuff to be discovered. We talk about the "fun and shiny" features you may not even know about. See how the JDK, JVM, and the Java language have all evolved and improved—now making you more productive and forcing you to write more secure code. This session is jam-packed with fun and shiny areas to accelerate your developer productivity.
Java et languages JVM Kafka Streams is a client library for building applications and microservices, where the input and output data are stored in Kafka clusters. It combines the simplicity of writing and deploying standard Java applications on the client side with the benefits of Kafka's server-side cluster technology.
In this session, you will learn about:
DSL and Processor APIs
Demo on how to build a data streaming pipe
Java et languages JVM In software development, change is pretty much the only constant factor. In fact, embracing change is one of the twelve principles behind the Agile Manifesto. However, changing event sourced applications can be very challenging.

In this talk, we’ll explore how to deal with projection updates, event updates and versioning, and existing privacy legislation (such as the GDPR).
Java et languages JVM If you want to learn how to escape or not even enter dependency hell, come to this talk.
You will gain an understanding of the principles behind dependency management we use with Gradle.
A single incorrect dependency can break existing code, introduce a vulnerability or simply prevent your project from building.
Whatever your approach, your sources and dependencies are central to productivity by reusing artifacts and ensuring a quality build.
Java et languages JVM 8 ans après la première release de Spring Boot il était temps pour une mise à jour. Spring Boot 3 sorti en 2022 est la nouvelle mouture du framework le plus utilisé par les développeurs Java. Qu'apporte la version 3 ? La réponse de Spring Boot est-elle à la hauteur des concurrents Quarkus et Micronaut? Nous le verrons lors de cette présentation ?
Java et languages JVM I once wrote a program to demonstrate the performance of different Java collections to my students. The differences between the collections were what I expected but the values changed significantly for each run. Then I discovered the Java Microbenchmark Harness or JMH. Think of it as unit testing for performance rather than correctness. In this presentation I will talk about the original performance program and the enhanced version using JMH.
Java et languages JVM For all JVM builds - you will learn how to organize the construction of your software whether a mono repository or several repos. Build logic will be reusable, convention-based, and with code quality and testing.
We'll also see how Configuration Cache helps speed up local development by starting tasks running immediately. You will learn how it works and what constraints it imposes, in alignment with idiomatic recommendations.
Java et languages JVM Jakarta EE 10 is packed with new features for simple development of modern, lightweight enterprise Java applications for the Cloud. The new Jakarta EE Core Profile enables developers to develop microservices with Jakarta EE technologies with runtimes smaller than ever.

In this session, we will explore the new features of Jakarta EE 10 in an interactive way packed with live code demos. We will take a peek at what to expect from Jakarta EE 11.
Java et languages JVM Project Loom introduces virtual threads, lightweight threads that aim to dramatically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and monitoring high-throughput concurrent applications on the Java platform.

This talk will explore what virtual threads are, how they are implemented,. how they solve our modern problems, and what, if any, shortcomings there may be.
Java et languages JVM There are certain Java APIs that we use in our everyday programming. However, we may not be aware of their notorious performance side effects. In this session, we are going to discuss a few common Java APIs and their performance impact on your application.
Java et languages JVM On ne croit pas si bien dire quand on parle de Spring comme étant de la magie. En effet, tout comme un tour de magie, dès qu'on connaît le truc, l'illusion s'efface et on comprend mieux ce que nos yeux voient. Dans cette présentation, je tâcherai de démystifier le fonctionnement du Spring Framework et de Spring Boot en abordant des éléments comme : Bean Lifecycle, ApplicationContext, BeanFactory, BeanPostProcessor, proxying et autoconfiguration.
Java et languages JVM Every so often, you’ll read a performance benchmark (of a Java or other application), with bold claims for how well X performs compared to Y. Testing the performance of your Java application is an artform rather than engineering, and is a minefield of misconceptions, misunderstanding, and misinformation. In this session, we will review the basics and give you concrete steps to build a robust performance testbed for your application.
Java et languages JVM Moving your project to the latest Java can mean faster code, cheaper cloud bills, and many more. Up to 25% of heap memory can be saved just by using Java 11. Plus, if you write your code to the latest Java, it will become clearer, concise, and easy to read, which means less chance to produce bugs.

In this short talk, I will demonstrate a few small and easy steps to upgrade your knowledge and Java code to the latest version.

Explorez les 152 présentations