22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

Conférence JavaScript à Montréal

JavaScript When building out the front end for an application with strong real-time requirements, there are many considerations. How do we get initial data? How do we get subsequent updates? What happens if they lose connectivity? Web components provide an excellent model for progressively enhancing initial markup. Workers allow us to move rendering off the main thread. In this talk, we'll demonstrate an architecture that scales down to any device with a sp
JavaScript That's a JavaScript function, I know all about those. But wait...what's that asterisk for? Why does that function look different from that function? Is there a difference? And when does this mean that and not this? Let's take a deep dive into JavaScript functions, find out all the little quirks and intricacies and hopefully walk away with a better understanding of the functions we're writing, and maybe how to write them better.
JavaScript Malgré vos dizaines de tests et votre couverture de code à 100%, votre application crashe toujours en prod sur des cas que vous n'aviez pas prévu?
Les tests des propriétés sont là pour vous sauver de cette situation! En prenant comme exemple la librairie fast-check de TypeScript, nous verrons comment écrire des centaines tests en quelques lignes, et augmenter ainsi votre confiance dans le fait que votre code fonctionne.
JavaScript Are you considering switching to GraphQL? We adopted it 4 years ago and quickly ran into performance issues in Apollo. Learn about the concepts of GraphQL, the pitfalls that lurk beneath their attractive flexibility, and the techniques we've devised to limit their impact.
JavaScript Découvrez comment nous avons bâti un système pour gérer les stats d’un système e-commerce. La solution est capable d’ingérer et de calculer les stats, de manière scalable. Découvrez pourquoi nous avons choisi Elasticsearch et comment nous l’utilisons. Vous découvrirez aussi les problèmes que nous avons vécus et comment nous les avons contournés.
JavaScript Slack is a popular messaging app used by over 750,000 companies including 65% of the Fortune 100 companies. Did you know you can do more than just send text messages with the odd image or emoji? It's possible to create a rich interactive UI using Slack's Block Kit UI framework. In this session we'll build a simple hot-desk booking bot with Node.js where you'll learn how to respond to events from your controls and adjust the displayed message.
JavaScript Developer likes to build productivity tools. It is a common reflex to automate manual build or deployment steps, but have you ever though about developing a browser extension? In this presentation, I will show you how easy it is to build your first extension. We will be cover the manifest configuration, the components, the build option and more. With the numerous examples given, it should inspire you to write your own extension.
JavaScript Microfrontends are the "microservices" of the frontend world. They enable web apps to be divided into separate modules and thus scale to many developers. While the backend has consensus on how to architect microservices, the frontend is still in the experimentation phase. I will describe how Roundforest does microfrontends, in a way that translates microservices to a natural and logical frontend architecture that makes sense on the web.
JavaScript Jest is a JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity designed to delight developers. Set up is easy, the API is great and well documented, yet we’ve all seen tests written for code coverage rather than functionality. Let's look at how to do it right with some live coding.
JavaScript Beer brewing can be fun, but combining brewing with IoT device hacking is even more fun. It is possible to connect and collect data about almost anything, including the fermentation process inside a closed fermenter using open source technologies. In this presentation, the speaker will introduce basic concepts of IoT devices, how to collect the data efficiently and how to use various tools to store, extract and manipulate that data.
JavaScript Jest, Mocha, Ava, and other Node test runners long dominated the unit testing. Now Node.js has released its own experimental unit testing framework. Learn how it compares to other test runners, which interesting features it provides, and if you should rewrite your tests to switch to the built-in "test" module.
JavaScript When developers see Cypress component testing, their eyes light up. You see the component running right in your browser, you have all your debugging tools, and you can gain full confidence in how the component is working. In this talk, I will show how component tests can verify that a React Sudoku application is implemented correctly. The same testing approach can also work for Angular, Vue, and Svelte component testing.
JavaScript Last year Webpack introduced module federation which can help you slice up your UI into multiple applications using the micro-frontend architecture, but should you use it?

Come to learn about when the micro frontend architecture should be leveraged and how module federation can help you with your implementation. Along the way, you will hear about the lessons learned from having it in production for more than one year at AppDirect.
JavaScript Mixed Reality features are available on the web by the use of WebXR. Experience virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) content in a compatible WebXR-enabled browser. Attend this session and leverage the power of JavaScript and web skills to create more engaging Mixed Reality experiences. We will look at popular open-source AR/VR JavaScript libraries available to get started.
JavaScript Struggling to get your website to load in less than 5 seconds on a mobile phone? Switching pages are a little sluggish? You’re not alone! Most web developers can build a responsive site, but fail to meet performance requirements for mobile. Using the latest PRPL pattern and Progressive Web API’s, you can provide a compelling alternative to native apps, as long as performance remains your top feature.
JavaScript Do you know what the functional properties of your system are? Do you know how to verify them? In this presentation, we'll show how Property-Based Testing can augment unit tests by offering a much wider coverage of possible inputs. We'll also demonstrate how fast-check, a framework for TypeScript, helps us guarantee that our main business objects remain in a predictable state.
JavaScript Imagine you have a web application and you want anyone in the company, or a 3rd party contractor, to be able to quickly prototype new view layouts or different UI frameworks. You want them to be able to get up and running quickly. You don't want them cloning the source code, setting up databases, working with configuration files, and so on. In this talk, you'll hear how Docker is being used by Dovico to speed up development of Timesheet.
JavaScript Since almost 25 years, Cross-site scripting (XSS) is one of the most common risks for web application. Yet today, there are many ways to protect a web application from the attack: browser features, HTTP headers, and special APIs. This talk first discusses why XSS is dangerous at all and then covers countermeasures: Content Security Policy, Trusted Types API, and protection in SPA frameworks. After this talk, there's (almost) no excuse to get XSS.
JavaScript The software supply chain is under constant attack & threat actors look to profiteer off the cracks in its foundation. The JavaScript ecosystem is at the heart of this problem & much of the fear, uncertainty & doubt that are becoming normalized. New exciting tools & innovations that combat these problems are right around the corner. Learn more about the current state & future of security in the JavaScript ecosystem & how to protect yourself today
JavaScript The React JavaScript library's popularity is skyrocketing. But should you dive into yet another library? Well.. your front-end developing fun could level up because for me React is the most productive JavaScript library ever.
We're going to take the practical path. I'll show you how to build a React app step by step. In that way I'm covering all you need to know to get started. At the end of the session you'll be the judge if you should React.
JavaScript Web Components are excellent for building framework-agnostic reusable elements that must be shared publicly or reused across multiple projects. However, developers run into common issues, including the dreaded flash of unstyled content (FOUC) or Shadow DOM breaking native forms. In this talk, I'll describe how to solve these issues by avoiding common Web Component pitfalls while server-side rendering.
JavaScript Last year was an exciting year for Node.js developers, with the arrival of refreshed competition the Node.js runtime has seen many new features landing under a renewed focus on developer experience. Learn more about what's new and how to use these new features today.
JavaScript A major earthquake has hit TC39, the JavaScript standards committee. A proposal for adding type annotations to JavaScript has just been approved for Stage 1. What is this proposal all about? How did it come to be? What is the motivation behind it? What are its pros and cons? Why are some people excited about it, some wary, some angry, and some afraid? As one of the writers of this proposal, I will delve try and answer all the questions above.
JavaScript Coding with static types feels safe, the compiler has your back.

But today, you got a critical issue in prod: payments are failing! A quick check of the logs left you puzzled: TypeError: discount.toFixed is not a function. Wait... Isn't discount supposed to be a number here? How did that happen? Why didn't the compiler catch it before?! Worry no more.

I'll show you where your blind spots are, and a simple way for you to fix them.
JavaScript Finite State Machines are a powerful tool used to fight complexity in software.

In this talk we will explore how to use State Machines in JavaScript to make our code more readable and maintainable, while we refactor a simple game where awesome battle robots fight horrible monsters from the deep.
JavaScript Web3 programming is building applications that interact with a blockchain. Fortunately for us, it requires very little understanding of blockchains and no understanding of Rust or Solidity. Learn how to build a functioning Web3 application in under an hour with open source libraries and some JavaScript. Start your journey into Web3 programming today!
JavaScript Are you still using `var`? And what about Object.assign()? JavaScript underwent a major revolution in 2015 with the new ECMAScript standard, more commonly known as ES6. Since then, there have been a plethora of changes to the language. A new release is announced every year with new features and operators. Did you keep up with all of them? In this talk, the speaker will look back at JavaScript from back then and show the modern way of doing JS.

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