22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

Types at the edge of your system

Coding with static types feels safe, the compiler has your back.

But today, you got a critical issue in prod: payments are failing! A quick check of the logs left you puzzled: TypeError: discount.toFixed is not a function. Wait... Isn't discount supposed to be a number here? How did that happen? Why didn't the compiler catch it before?! Worry no more.

I'll show you where your blind spots are, and a simple way for you to fix them.

Voir les 152 présentations

Nicolas Carlo


Nicolas is a web developer who loves building communities and maintainable software.

When he's not enjoying life with his family or working at Centered, he organizes the "Software Crafters Montréal" meetup and develops VS Code extensions.

He shares tips & tricks to work with Legacy Code every week on his blog: https://understandlegacycode.com

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