26 au 28 février, 2025
Montréal, Canada

Managing cGroups with SystemD

cGroups on their own are a complicated thing, but throw in there systemd and they become even harder. Now add to that, that there are 2 different ways to setup cgroup hierarchy and 2 versions of cgroups and the whole thing becomes almost impossible to understand.

Marian will try to guide you in this journey of properly setting up cGroups, when using SystemD

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Marian Marinov

Web Hosting Canada

Marian is a system administrator by heart. He is working with Linux for more than 20 years. Currently, he is Director of Engineering at Web Hosting Canada. He is a big fan of FOSS and regularly speaks at different FOSS conferences around the world. Marian also helps with the organization of OpenFest - Bulgaria's biggest FOSS conference. In his spare time, he teaches Linux system administration and Network security courses at Sofia University and SoftUni.

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