26 au 28 février, 2025
Montréal, Canada

Conférence PHP 2025

La liste des présentations est sujette à changement sans préavis.
PHP Working with APIs? Great! Did you have to solve surprisingly similar issues in different projects? Did project complexity force you to break the established guidelines for structure, filtering, validation, or pagination? How often have your endpoints, versioning, and evolution stood the test of time? Let's talk about the real examples of solutions I implemented in various APIs. Smile at changing requirements thinking - I've got it!
PHP API Platform est un framework permettant de créer très facilement des API REST (hypermedia) et GraphQL très populaire dans l'écosystème Symfony.

Depuis sa version 4, API Platform est également compatible avec Laravel.

Simplicité d'utilisation, respect des standards, documentation d'API automatique extensibilité, support aisé de pattern comme CQRS ou du DDD tactique, API asynchrone...

Faisons un tour d'horizon du framework.
PHP In this talk I explain how to use Xdebug to get more productive writing PHP code, focussing on the improvements in Xdebug 3.2 and 3.3, and the upcoming 3.4, to make the debugging experience better and easier to set up.

Beyond that, this session also goes through a few complicated scenarios that are harder to debug, and shows solutions to these conundrums. I will also focus on the new features, such as native path mapping.
PHP PHP is traditionally known as a server-side language. But what if you could use PHP to build desktop applications that run on Windows, Linux, and macOS?

This talk will delve into two different solutions to create true cross-platform, desktop apps with PHP. We'll explore NativePHP, a tool that allows developers to build desktop apps using PHP and Electron and show how to integrate WebView directly with PHP using FFI or a custom extension.
PHP You've heard about PHP NTS vs ZTS, PHP-FPM and FrankenPHP, Swoole and OpenSwoole, ReactPHP and AMPHP, Fibers and ext-parallel, ... There is a lot of options beyond the usual request-response-cycle for concurrency in PHP and we gonna explore the differences of these options.
PHP Server-to-server communication via HTTP requests seems simple but can be unexpectedly complex. This talk explores challenges from understanding HTTP to mapping requests to your domain and ensuring a great DX when building SDKs. Learn how to overcome these issues using SOLID object-oriented practices and tools like php-http/discovery and symfony/http-client, while addressing the infamous PSR-7 challenges in consuming HTTP APIs.
PHP Naming is a central issue in computer science. To make code more understandable, a simple solution emerges from the collaboration of domain experts and the source code itself: a dictionary. By leveraging techniques from the linguistics of invented languages, this vocabulary becomes a foundation for constructing words, phrases, and eventually an entire literature. In essence, it entails creating a language specific to the code.
PHP Let's take a deep dive in the world of event sourcing, projections and queues and see how a real world app ties these (and much more) together in a Symfony based app that links hundreds of (sometimes online, sometimes offline) computers spread over as many locations together. Not for the faint of heart !
PHP FrankenPHP est un serveur d'application moderne pour PHP écrit en Go et intégrant le populaire serveur web Caddy.

FrankenPHP donne à PHP des superpouvoirs : mode worker, 103 Early Hints, HTTPS automatique, support de HTTP/2 et HTTP/3, compression moderne avec Brotli et Zstandard, métriques Prometheus, extensions en Go, distribution d'applications PHP sous la forme de binaires...

Découvrons comment fonctionne la bête !
PHP Everyone and their dog knows and uses object oriented programming. While OOP is very useful, we pretty often focus on getting elaborate class hierarchies, intertwined with inheritance, frameworks, DI, libraries... What if I told you, that lots of these abstractions can be simplified with... plain functions? We won't even need to talk about Functional Programming, just functions! Let's solve a problem by not having it in the first place!
PHP Sending notifications, synchronizing data with third-party services, or performing time / memory heavy tasks are use cases that lend themselves well for asynchronous programming. Thanks to the Symfony Messenger, you'll not only learn how to dispatch, route, serialize and process async messages ; but also learn how to monitor them, perform logging, retry failing jobs, deal with priority queues and even tests asynchronous messages in a Symfony app.
PHP My PHP journey started with frustration and doubt. From outdated hosts to clunky frameworks, I questioned my skills. But with Composer, Symfony, and PHP's evolution over the last 15 years, I've overcome these challenges and now proudly embrace PHP as a powerful tool. As PHP got better, I did too: PHP 8 is great, the ecosystem is healthy, no reason to be ashamed anymore :)
PHP Keeping good code quality is always a challenge (even harder if you share your work with the world). It becomes crucial for every project maintainer to define and execute technical quality standards, to make not only their, but all the project's users' lives easier. Based on my experience in maintaining Sylius, I will present a variety of techniques to ensure good DX in your project (from testing to low-level technical requirements)
PHP At some point of your career you'll probably end up working on a majorly outdated version of a framework and prehistoric version of PHP. What happens when you're finally given the go-ahead to upgrade?

This talks tells the story of a major upgrade I worked on. I'll share the tools used, things that went well and the lessons learnt.

The talk will leave you with practical advice for planning and executing a major upgrade.
PHP You’ve likely used lazy objects in your projects through Doctrine or Symfony without realizing it. Though technically complex, lazy loading is essential for building non-trivial applications. In this talk, we'll dive into the low-level mechanisms that delay object initialization until necessary. The goal isn't daily use but to explore both practical and theoretical aspects for the day when this knowledge becomes essential.
PHP The 1brc is "a fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java", but let's face it, we should be able to do this in PHP too, right? Let's see how fast we can actually aggregate 1 billion rows in PHP and learn about optimising the performance of PHP software along the way.
PHP In this presentation, you will see a case study illustrating the process of building an application based on RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) in PHP using a large text model (LLM) to efficiently find precise answers in a database of unstructured text data. I will also show how to use LLM in PHP on a local server and how to approach testing the generated results.
PHP Version migration includes adding features, backward incompatibilities, and changed behaviors. These changes might initially be silent and go unnoticed, but slowly affect edge cases. They are numerous, varied and permanant. In this session, we'll review overlooked PHP 8 changes : how they are announced, how they appear in the code, and how we still get surprised by them when they manifest. We’ll also cover how to deal with them.
PHP Is a tool like PHPStan or Psalm part of your development process? If so, are you getting the most out of it?

This talk will look at how we can write our code in such a way as to get the most out of static analysis. We’ll look at some of the tools and extensions that plug into PHPStan to take the analysis to the next level.

Finally, we’ll see how static analysis allows us to refactor safely.
PHP Sylius 2.0 is already with us! This e-commerce framework based on Symfony has already been on the market for a while, and recently it reached a huge new milestone. As a long-time Core Team member, I will present the biggest changes and opportunities this new release brings, for both PHP and Symfony developers interested in E-commerce.
PHP During this presentation, we are going to look at the new features that are going to be introduced in PHP 8.4. Join me to have a look at Property Hooks, Asynchronous Visibility, Improved HTML5 parsing, and many other features.

At the end you will have a good understanding about all the new and exciting features that are part of the PHP 8.4 release

Explorez les 194 présentations