Architecture & Design PatternsLet’s dive into the controversial side of tech trends, as not all trends benefit developers. We’ll discuss how some might be misleading despite their prevalence in the industry. Our goal here is to spark meaningful debates and challenge conventional wisdom.
Intelligence Artificielle This talk explores AI's impact on software development, focusing on productivity enhancement. It covers AI applications like code completion, bug detection, refactoring, and test generation. Through demos and examples, attendees learn to use AI tools for various coding tasks across languages and environments. The session aims to equip developers with AI-driven strategies to boost efficiency and skills.
Intelligence Artificielle AI coding promises a developer utopia, but the reality can feel like a wild west shootout. This talk ditches the hype and dives into the real-world challenges of building with AI. Discover the inner workings of popular prompt engineering techniques (Chain-of-Thought and In-Context-Learning), learn how to recover from unexpected AI behaviour, and gain the tools to wrangle the power of AI for your projects! Take a deep breath before attending.
Architecture & Design PatternsRéseauxIn this session, we'll dive into the complexities of error handling in event-driven architectures (EDA). We'll explore how to effectively detect and manage errors in asynchronous systems using choreographed sagas and dead-letter queues. You'll learn practical strategies to address common pitfalls, such as infinite loops and unmonitored DLQs, ensuring your system remains robust and resilient.
JavaScriptTests et QualitéRefactoring code without tests is risky. But to write tests, you often need to refactor the code first. How do you deal with that paradox?
I will show how to reduce the risk, even when missing tests. We will focus on refactorings I’ve found particularly useful when dealing with legacy codebases. You may know some names but probably don’t know the proper moves. Let me teach you how I do it.
Tests et QualitéLet’s explore the fine line between human interaction and code through the delicate exercise of code review. This mystical art involves telling a colleague that something could have been done better or that a variable isn't well-named. This talk will guide you on how to conduct effective code reviews, provide constructive feedback, and enhance code quality while fostering collaboration and empathy within the team.
Architecture & Design PatternsIntelligence HumainUn système informatique est un gros casse-tête dont l'image change tout le temps. Votre boulot en tant qu'architecte est de vous assurez que les bonnes pièces sont faciles à bouger. Le système doit survivre à l'épreuve du temps est s'opérer à un coût raisonnable. Comment y arriver? En dessinant des rectangles et des flèches sur une diapositive pour s'en assurer. Non. Mais ça ne veut pas dire que je n’en fais jamais.
Architecture & Design PatternsAvez-vous déjà demandé à un architecte: Quel est la meilleure architecture? Ou Quel est la meilleure technologie (storage, hosting, framework, ...)?
Est-ce que vous avez eu la réponse classique: "Ça dépend"?
Dans cette présentation je vous présenterai les outils qui vous permettrons de prendre de bonnes *décisions* sur des *faits* pour solutionner de *réels* problèmes à l'aide de solutions *adaptées* selon les *contraintes*.
Tests et QualitéIntelligence Artificielle I want to show you the secret weapon I have used for the past year. The GitHub Copilot lets me write full tests quickly, fills the gaps in my knowledge of 3rd party tools, and even writes clear descriptive commit messages. But it is not a "press the button to do it all". You need to guide the AI to do the right thing, which takes experience, but most importantly, you need to decide _what_ you want the AI to do, step by step.
DevOpsJavaScriptTired of rolling back the feature because a hotfix is coming through? Want to get away from code freezes to fit an arbitrary deadline? Feature flags allow us to release code when we're ready and then turn it on when business is ready. There's subtleties and nuance here. Join us on this journey with feature flags, talk about the options for cloud-based services vs. built-in systems, and best practices for testing and retiring feature flags.
Tests et QualitéSecuritéDo you use JWT access tokens to secure your web API? If you are, are you absolutely certain that your API only accepts access tokens issued by your service?
In this session, I’ll expose some shocking tricks that can bypass improperly configured token validation. You’ll see how easy it can be to fool your API. But don’t worry, I’ll also walk you through how to write tests that ensure your application is protected against these exploits.
DevOpsIn this talk, we will discuss the most common ways software fails and some of the most unusual ways too. I will provide valuable lessons, tips, and advice so you can avoid the same mistakes, reduce the risks, or fail confidently. This talk is for anyone who has ever worked in production and/or responsible for deploying and maintaining software. If you have ever brought down production or are afraid of it, this talk talk is for you.
StartupIntelligence HumainIn this talk, we will be discussing how to lead your engineering team(s) to be as high performing as possible. We will be looking at studies that explore the proven characteristics of highly effective teams such as psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, and the behaviours of their managers to enable high performance, such as fostering a culture of team empowerment, open communication / collaboration and constant improvement.
DevOpsIntelligence HumainDevelopment has become more complex. Building and running a distributed architecture, ensuring observability, and balancing speed and quality aren’t easy. Just being agile and practicing DevOps to increase productivity doesn't really solve the problem.
Learn how great teams measure and improve the developer experience and create a healthy and joyful engineering culture. Don't focus on productivity; focus on what makes this craft fun for devs.
PHPTests et QualitéKeeping good code quality is always a challenge (even harder if you share your work with the world). It becomes crucial for every project maintainer to define and execute technical quality standards, to make not only their, but all the project's users' lives easier. Based on my experience in maintaining Sylius, I will present a variety of techniques to ensure good DX in your project (from testing to low-level technical requirements)
Architecture & Design PatternsJavaScriptWhen you're just starting out, often web dev classes and tutorials start with "design a schema". This one, tiny mistake may be the root cause of billions of dollars lost, time wasted, and unnecessary complexity embedded in countless applications
The problem: coding "back-to-front"
Let me show you how the simple idea of coding "front-to-back" can reduce complexity, increase security, and help keep your codebase performant and maintainable
Intelligence Artificielle PythonComment utiliser l'IA générative sans tomber dans ses pièges ? Ce talk explore son rôle dans la production cinématographique, télévisuelle et marketing, en mettant en lumière réussites et échecs. Nous verrons comment elle peut aider à analyser des documents, valider des informations et automatiser des processus, tout en gardant le contrôle. Au-delà des solutions off the shelf, des exemples concrets montreront comment en tirer le meilleur parti.
Intelligence HumainEver feel like process changes or change initiatives aren't quite getting the results you had hoped for? Turns out that there is much more to how a team or organization delivers products than isolated optimizations can help with.
Enter the world of Systems Thinking.
Come and learn what Systems Thinking is and why it is important to software.
AccessibilitéHTML et CSSIf you've been building websites for a while you "know" that some things require JS and that's just the way it is. Turns out, spec writers and browser makers both are working hard to find common JS patterns and implementing them in CSS and HTML. Things like accordions, auto-suggest, smooth scrolling, dialogs are all available without JS.
In this talk I walk through common patterns and explain how they can be implemented in CSS and HTML.
Intelligence HumainDe nombreux professionnels se retrouvent face à un dilemme : doivent-ils approfondir leur expertise technique ou passer à des rôles de leadership ? Cette session se penche sur la manière dont les développeurs peuvent trouver du sens dans leur carrière, qu'ils aspirent à diriger des équipes ou à rester dans le technique. À travers un atelier introspectif, ils apprendront à élargir leur zone de confort et s’épanouir pleinement, sans FOMO.
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