7 au 9 mars, 2018
Hôtel Bonaventure

Building and running a website at scale with a team of one

Running a platform that receives 6 million requests, serves 70 gb of bandwidth and sees 75 thousand unique visitors every day is normally the domain of teams -- or even of many teams. In this talk, I will describe the fundamental principles, and the technologies used to implement them, that have allowed me to run a platform at web scale alone and in my spare time.

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Geoffrey Goodman


Geoff, the creator of Plunker (https://plnkr.co), is a former accounting and finance professional, turned full-stack developer. Discovering QBasic on his i386 led to an unshakable passion for programming that persisted through an undergrad, a post-grad and a 5-year career in the financial services. Geoff is now the lead developer for Auth0 Extend and Webtask.io, the first ever Extensibility as a Service product that allows web platforms to move beyond webhooks to custom code.

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