7 au 9 mars, 2018
Hôtel Bonaventure


Practical Symfony 4

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Symfony 4.0 will be released at the end of November 2017 and will change the way you develop Web applications with Symfony. In this workshop, you'll discover the new recommended best practices promoted by the Symfony Core Team. You'll learn how to install third party packages with Symfony Flex, configure your application with environment variables or leverage the new dependency injection container features, use the new PHP 7 features, and much more! This two day workshop is a practical training where you'll learn how to build a small full featured web application with PHP 7 and Symfony 4.0.

Angular Fast & Furious (v5+)

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Angular is a robust platform and many products relay on its foundation.
Teams have now learned about best practices and tooling.
In this workshop, you will learn about the less known areas of Angular so
you can take your skills and your team to the next level!

Automated Tests with PHP

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Duration: 2 days.
Date: March 5-6, 2018.

Everyone tells you that you need to test. You know the theory, but you don't know where to begin. What to test? What cases to write? PHPUnit is a testing framework for PHP that offers many ways to automate testing. Through realistic and pragmatic examples, this presentation will take you away from echo or var_dump and ease you into the testing business.

Montréal 2018 sponsored by