13 au 15 mars, 2019
Hôtel Bonaventure

Cognitive Services Extravaganza!

Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence. These are all big words we hear coming into our businesses lately - but what does it really mean?!
Microsoft has created a set of simple and scalable tools that any developer can use and integrate into their applications super quickly!
This session will focus on the various Cognitive Service offerings and show you plenty of demos on how to use them in your apps!

Voir les 156 présentations

Malgorzata Borzecka

Gosia Borzecka is an Office365 Developer at Intelligent Decisioning Ltd. She is a full stack .NET developer with over 6-year experience. The last two years she focuses more on SharePoint and Office 365. She spends her spare time to share knowledge, teaching kids programming and co-organizing monthly workshops: NottsDevWorkshop.co.uk
Tweets at @GosiaBorzecka and blog on www.gosiaborzecka.net

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