13 au 15 mars, 2019
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Java et languages JVM à Montréal

Java et languages JVM TDD allows you to proceed with confidence that you're building the right thing. It provides you with imminent-horizons that you can meet and measure. TDD gives developers the confidence to go faster, secure in the knowledge that what they break they will fix and be able to improve. In this talk, join Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman) as he looks at how to test Spring applications and microservices.
Java et languages JVM In this presentation, I will show you how to build a spring boot application that implements the event-sourcing pattern using Axon. I will also be covering how to write JUnit tests in this context. In addition, I will be demonstrating how to use snapshots to increase the application performance. Finally, you will learn how this pattern helps in capturing business events and generating analytics.
Java et languages JVM In enterprise software, we see more and more of the cloud native technologies, especially container orchestration and service meshes, slowly taking over the market. Developers are facing the challenge which technology to choose for a cloud native setting. Java EE has been used for software solutions for a long time and its APIs are well-established. However, is it possible to develop cloud native, service-meshed Java Enterprise applications?
Java et languages JVM Recent releases of Java have taken asynchronous programming and data streaming capabilities we know from Java 8 to the level that allows us to write truly modern, reactive applications. In this live-coding session, we explore JDK 9-11 features enabling all the aspects of reactive programming - updates to the Stream and CompletableFuture APIs, Reactive Streams publish-subscribe framework, HTTP/2 client, and more.
Java et languages JVM In this talk we'll explore the best practices to integrate your app with the Kubernetes ecosystem.
Attendees will learn:
* what the caveats are when running the JVM in a container, and how to avoid them
* what Kubernetes objects to use to deploy your application (Deployment, Service)
* how to integrate your application with Kubernetes monitoring (Prometheus)
* how to package your application for Kubernetes : Helm or Operator ?
Java et languages JVM Jakarta EE is picking up the baton over Java EE as a community effort in the Eclipse Foundation with the focus on enabling community-driven collaboration and open innovation for the cloud. The transfer of the Java EE technologies to Eclipse Foundation also opens up for very interesting synergies and collaboration with the Eclipse MicroProfile projects.
Java et languages JVM Java bouge désormais très très vite. Mais de nombreuses fonctionnalités des versions précédentes restent pourtant méconnues.
Faisons une petite mise à jour ensemble pour parcourir ce que vous pourriez avoir manqué.
Ensuite, nous vous initierons aux tout nouveaux Java 9, 10, 11 et 12.
Java et languages JVM La nuit vous vous réveillez en sueur en criant "OSGi!" Depuis Java 9 vous ouvez maintenant varier les cauchemars et crier "Jigsaw!", le nouveau système de modules.

Pas d'inquiétude, je suis là. On va regarder ça ensemble pour comprendre un peu mieux comment ça marche et ce qui pourrait vous être utile. Paisiblement. Parce que bien dormir, c'est important.
Java et languages JVM In this presentation, I will show you how to use OpenAPI generator to increase backend and front-end engineers collaboration in developing and consuming Rest APIs. I will also share some tips on how we integrated this tool into our CI/CD pipelines to automate and unify Rest API client generation across all teams within our organization. Although OpenAPI generator supports 30+ languages, Java will be used as a programming language in all examples.
Java et languages JVM Spring Framework 5 is here! It introduces the Spring developer to a growing world of support for reactive programming across the Spring portfolio, starting with a new Netty-based web runtime, component model and module called Spring WebFlux, and then continuing to Spring Data Kay, Spring Security 5.0, Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring Cloud Finchley. Sure, it sounds like a lot, but don't worry! Join me, your guide, Spring developer advocate Josh Long.
Java et languages JVM This session presents a gentle introduction to serverless and FaaS, what it means for developers, and why it is important to understand this paradigm. It then turns to solutions available for developing serverless applications, or functions, with Java.
The session is a mix of slides and live code demos.

Java et languages JVM Tout le monde doit un jour ou l'autre travailler dans un patrimoine (legacy code). Nous sommes souvent démunis alors que des techniques existent.
Cette présentation focalise sur un outil à ajouter à son coffre: les tests de caractérisation. Variante des tests unitaires, ils servent avant tout à découvrir ce que fait le code et à guider son refactoring bien plus qu'à tester!
À l'assaut!
Java et languages JVM In this live-coding session, we’ll explore several features in Java 9, 10 and 11 enabling us to create cleaner code. We’ll take a look at factory methods for collections, extended streams, updates to Optional, try with effectively final resources, local variable type inference, and HTTP/2 client. We’ll also talk about best practices and patterns for using these features in the context of modern applications.
Java et languages JVM The software world moves faster than ever. In order to stay competitive, new software versions need to be rolled out as soon as possible, without disrupting active users. Many enterprises have moved their workloads to Kubernetes, which has been built with production-readiness in mind. However, in order to achieve real zero-downtime with Kubernetes, without breaking or loosing a single in-flight request, we need to take a few more steps.

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