13 au 15 mars, 2019
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Architecture & Design Patterns 2019

Architecture & Design Patterns If you maintain a library, how can you innovate without breaking the projects that depend on it? Follow semantic versioning, add APIs conservatively, add parameters compatibly, use deprecation warnings and publish a deprecation policy, guide your users on how to upgrade, and make wise choices about when to break backwards compatibility. This talk describes API evolution in Python and C, with lessons for libraries in any language.
Architecture & Design Patterns We all know not to poke at alien life forms on another planet, right? But what about metrics, do you know how to pick, measure and draw conclusions from them? In this talk we will cover various Site Reliability Engineering topics, such as SLIs and SLOs while we explore real life examples of defining and implementing metrics in a system with examples using Prometheus, to demonstrate the practical implementation.
Architecture & Design Patterns What is legacy code? Did I just write more of it? ASP.NET rebooted itself to make it more maintainable and performant. Let's learn to build highly maintainable code as well. We'll look at the low-hanging fruit to get you on a path to avoiding the common pitfalls and reach for the easy wins. You can avoid legacy.
Architecture & Design Patterns In this presentation, I will show you how to build a spring boot application that implements the event-sourcing pattern using Axon. I will also be covering how to write JUnit tests in this context. In addition, I will be demonstrating how to use snapshots to increase the application performance. Finally, you will learn how this pattern helps in capturing business events and generating analytics.
Architecture & Design Patterns Ever wondered how IDE’s are built? In this talk, we’ll skip the marketing bit and dive into the architecture and implementation of JetBrains Rider. We’ll look at how and why we have built (and open sourced) a reactive protocol, and how the IDE uses a “microservices” architecture to communicate with the debugger, Roslyn, a WPF renderer and even other tools like Unity3D. We’ll explore how things are wired together. Let’s geek out!
Architecture & Design Patterns Chat bots continue to be all the rage in application development. But is there really anything special about a chat bot? Is there anything a chat bot can do that a normal application can't?

Turns out a bot is really just an application with a different interface. And this new interface requires a new set of design skills.

Come see what chat bots can and can't do, and how to integrate NLP and ML to create a compelling user experience.
Architecture & Design Patterns The talk will cover how to architect your ASP.NET Core Web APIs. The talk will cover a clear decoupling of the API endpoints, Data Access (Synthetic or Production) and finally the Data Domain classes. Discuss how the API Endpoints (Controllers) have no knowledge or responsibility of Data Domain and behind it Data Access. Finally, Data Access segments of the architecture can easily be switched out without impacting the Domain or API Endpoints.
Architecture & Design Patterns Event Storming is a lightweight modeling technique to quickly explore complex domains and problems. Using Events, we can discover and model processes and systems, as well as bounded-contexts, commands or read models, in a very short period of time. In this talk you will learn about Event Storming core concepts, patterns and best-practices you may apply in your next complex project.
Architecture & Design Patterns Every month, we hear about a new data breach and billions of user passwords are being shared as we speak. How can we stop this? There is a simple solution, let’s stop using passwords! From email links to biometrics, more and more technologies are available to help developers handle different types of credentials. During this presentation, the attendees will learn about some of the alternatives and how to implement them.
Architecture & Design Patterns Find out what a graph database is and how it can transform your applications and data! We will explore creating, querying, and displaying data and learn how to use simple tools to interact with the database. We will cover the whiteboard-friendly model and the basics of the Cypher query language. Live demos will show developers how to interface with the database and the data in it. Learn how graph databases can improve the data world!
Architecture & Design Patterns REST API modeling may be hard, using and supporting large collection of APIs is even harder. GraphQL is an answer for some of these problems. It’s a query language for APIs which provides complete description of your data and gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need in a single request. In this talk you will learn about GraphQL concepts, differences between GraphQL and WSDL/SOAP/REST/etc. and how to add it to your existing stack.
Architecture & Design Patterns How should I structure my code? What works best for object-oriented design? Is there an alternative to MVC? This talk will answer those questions and give an overview of common layouts and best practices to make projects testable, maintainable and easy to understand. We will also look at DDD and hexagonal / clean / onion architectures and go through a few different implementations of the same app to illustrate the pros and cons of each approach.
Architecture & Design Patterns This year Shopify launched in 6 new languages. In this talk, you’ll gain insight about how international is forcing them to fundamentally shift their way of thinking. In the same way mobile disrupted a once desktop-only internet, international is disrupting the way we think about commerce. Learn about the principles & tooling we’re using to take on meaty challenges to drive forward a large scale product that previously only supported english.
Architecture & Design Patterns Jakarta EE is picking up the baton over Java EE as a community effort in the Eclipse Foundation with the focus on enabling community-driven collaboration and open innovation for the cloud. The transfer of the Java EE technologies to Eclipse Foundation also opens up for very interesting synergies and collaboration with the Eclipse MicroProfile projects.
Architecture & Design Patterns Before doing any data science, machine learning or AI, you need to get your data right. As the volume of data grows, having a reliable, available and scalable data pipeline becomes a challenge.
In this talk we will share our learnings from running a data pipeline in AWS infrastructure using technologies like Apache Spark, gRPC, Protocol buffers.
Architecture & Design Patterns Faster, Better, Cheaper - the beating drum for software developers. This talk will cover how Comcast front end teams are tackling these challenges. We’ll look at how we’re using Web Components to share code between sites and if they can be used to share components between frameworks. I’ll go over how we’re sharing data between codebases with Redux. Lastly we’ll talk about Shared Flows; pulling out complicated reusable logic into its own microsite
Architecture & Design Patterns You may have heard Domain Driven Design is a tool to write readable and change-ready code. You may have heard it comes with a lot of talking, and modelling, and customers...
Come find out what DDD can do for you, tomorrow. We'll use value objects, entities and services to bring order to our mind and code. We'll see how naming things can guide us, but also trick us. And tomorrow you can tell your peers that, technically, you're doing DDD.
Architecture & Design Patterns A sure way to make data and ML work for you in a 10x manner is to start with low-hanging fruit: a recommender system. It's been a useful application of data science to the consumer-facing web since the early days of the internet. This talk explains how one was built to recommend colleges to prospective high school students, the application of popularity tables and collaborative filters, as well as other approaches and the reasons for doing them.
Architecture & Design Patterns Hexagonal Architecture, Clean Architecture, Domain-Driven Design… You may have heard about them. Let's start from scratch in this session and go beyond the buzzwords. We'll go together though these ideas to understand how you can improve the maintainability of your projects', either greenfield or legacy.
Architecture & Design Patterns In this talk, I would like to discuss some of the tools available to us with which we can build serverless applications. Additionally, I would like to break down a simple application into its pieces and examine the role of each AWS service offering and how we wired them together. We will discuss service responsibilities and configuration of API Gateway, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS and more.
10x more effective application architecture!!!
Architecture & Design Patterns As developers we write code every day, but we frown at it a week later. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self-judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.

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