13 au 15 mars, 2019
Hôtel Bonaventure

Hacking Web Performance

In this session, we will cover extreme techniques that will blow your mind about Web Performance, including new compression algorithms, new image formats, Client-Hints, HTTP/2 antipatterns, QUIC, preload, and Reactive Web Performance Techniques.

Voir les 156 présentations

Maximiliano Firtman

Max Firtman (@firt) is a mobile + web developer, trainer, speaker, and writer. He has authored many books, including Programming the Mobile Web and High Performance Mobile Web published by O’Reilly Media, and many online courses at Lynda, LinkedIn Learning, Safari, Udemy and more publishers. He is a frequent speaker at conferences worldwide and he has been widely recognized for his work in the mobile-web community. He teaches mobile, HTML5, PWA and web performance trainings for top companies aro

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