13 au 15 mars, 2019
Hôtel Bonaventure

Where Have All My Servers Gone?

In this talk, I would like to discuss some of the tools available to us with which we can build serverless applications. Additionally, I would like to break down a simple application into its pieces and examine the role of each AWS service offering and how we wired them together. We will discuss service responsibilities and configuration of API Gateway, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS and more.
10x more effective application architecture!!!

Voir les 156 présentations

Garth Henson

Disney Streaming

Garth is a software engineer and architect with a love for mentoring and training. Having worked in the JavaScript ecosystem for many years, he enjoys sharing his experiences with others through appearances at local meet ups, tech conferences, and university tech talks. Through his roles at Amazon, The Walt Disney Company, and now Microsoft, Garth applies himself to enterprise cloud architecture - including serverless methodologies, bridging gaps between business and tech teams, and mentoring.

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