February 29 - March 2, 2012
Montreal, Canada

The power of Neo4j

Tired of writing slow boring SQL queries full of joins when you implement a social network web application?

This talk will show a little introduction about noSQL and the benefits of using a graph database. It will be presented some Neo4j features, use cases and some code examples (using Java and JRuby).

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Hanneli Tavante

Codeminer 42

Hanneli (@hannelita) is a developer addicted to code, learn new programming languages, blow capacitors, do some C programming and commit useful (or not) code for random Open Source Projects that she finds at Github. She tries to help the community by writing blog posts and organising meetups about NoSQL, programming languages and Math/Physics/Science. She also likes Math, Lego, dogs, hardware, and [much] coffee.

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