February 29 - March 2, 2012
Montreal, Canada

Python Conference 2012

Python Python is well known for coming "batteries included", with a very rich and helpful standard library.

Some usages of it are not well understood (Metaclasses, descriptors), and some others just unknown (co-routines). The goal is to go trough most of them, with examples of when they can simplify your life as a developer.

This session will try to go trough some of the most amazing and useful python features I found by asking long-time python users for the best unknown features they can think about.

Let's dive into python and its advanced techniques that can change your everyday life!
Python Lorsque vient le temps de construire un site web, nous sommes souvent confrontés aux même défis.

Django-cms offre une collection d'outil qui permet de construire rapidement des sites web de qualités.

Je propose de faire un survol des mécanismes qui sont en place pour éviter de se répéter (DRY). Nous aborderons les plugins, les app hooks et les menus personalisés.

Une des grandes qualités de django-cms est sa facilité d'intégration avec une application django existante. Nous verrons comment intégrer ce cms à un projet déjà en branle.

Je pourrai montrer plusieurs exemples de plugins qui m'ont été utiles.

On pourra aussi démontrer le "Front-end editing". (edition à même le contenu)

En terminant, on pourra voir des exemples concret de sites utilisant ce CMS.

Site web de django-cms
Python In this session I'll show you how you can take Flask, a so-called "microframework", and write readable, usable, testable and intelligent code for all of your macro-scale applications. We'll go through basic project structure, API design, ORM integration (including some popular non-relational databases), modular design with blueprints, and testing. By the end of this talk, you'll understand why Flask is the little framework that lets you do a lot, and be armed with the tools & knowledge to write applications of all sizes.
Python Facebook figures out people that you might already know, LinkedIn tells you how many degrees of separation there are between you and the CEO of Nokia, and LastFM suggests music based on your current listening habits. We’ll take a look at the basic theory behind how some of these features work (no comp. sci. degree required!), and show how you can implement some of these features in your application.
Python Lors de la présentation d'un langage, on se focalise trop souvent sur sa syntaxe, et un peu sur sa sémantique. Mais c'est bien plus que cela : c'est une vision du développement logiciel. C'est un ensemble de choix technique, d'une philosophie, d'une sémantique et enfin d'une syntaxe. Cette session à un double objectif, d'une part présenter simplement les caractéristiques d'un langage dynamique et de fournir des exemples à travers le langage Python. Et d'autre part, de pousser les participants à réléchir sur leur relation avec la programmation et de donner envie d'approfondir un peu la théorie des langages.
Python Le monde Python possède quelques outils trés intéressants mais souvent méconnus par beaucoup par manque d'investissement. Pourtant un bon outillage peut nous rendre plus efficace et rapide dans notre développement. L'objectif de la session est de mettre "le pied à l'étrier" en présentant les outils que je trouve indispensable : outils système, d'intégration continue, de test, de packaging... Chaque outil sera qualifié selon plusieurs critères : courbe d'apprentissage, simplicité, cas d'utilisation et bénéfices attendus.
Python Many programmers cut their teeth with PHP before getting interested in Python. However, while the languages seem similar at first, there are many new concepts to grasp and new ecosystem of tools to master. This isn't easy, but with the right advice, a strong PHP developer can become an excellent Python developer very quickly.

Based on the experience of migrating a 20-person development team from PHP to Python and Django, this talk will examine how to tackle this journey. While the fundamental languages differences will be touched upon, this talk will focus on more interesting topics such as common python gotchas, tips for grokking Django, awesome tools and applications from the community, and how to manage such a migration for a large team of developers.
Python Pyramid est un framework web minimaliste qui offre des possibilités et combinaisons tout à fait surprenantes. Pyramid ne fait pas de compromis sur le choix de ses composantes, il n'utilise que ce qu'il se fait de mieux: sqlalchemy, mako, jinja2, redis, mongodb, ... à vous de choisir. Pour les nouveaux venus la flexibilité et l'indépendance offertes par Pyramid est pour le moins déconcertante. Dans cette présentation nous explorerons les composantes et mécanismes fréquemment utilisés avec Pyramid et nous aborderons sommairement les projets développés par Pylons Project.
Python While node.js gets all the glory around non-blocking real time apps, there are Python solutions too.

This talk is a demo of how to build a real time app using Python, gevent, Socket.io, redis and possibly a whole lot more. Few slides, lots of code starting from nothing to a real time web app in an hour.

For bonus points at the end, we'll show how this web app can be integrated into Mozilla's open web app infrastructure.
Python The trend today is that more and more projects are exposing their functionality via RESTful APIs. It's an awesome trend, allowing different projects to interact and mashups being born. However it's quite rare to find good examples on how to create good APIs in Python. This talk discusses various tools and libraries you could use to build one and shows practical real-life examples of how it was done by others.
Python If you ever heard that building a community is like herding cats, it's
true. This presentation is an attempt to control the uncontrollable forces
of the community by nourishing your code a healthy dose of testing,
by grooming it with syntax checking utilities, by cleaning its litter
box with various profiling techniques, and by taking its temperature
with logging. You'll need to attend to see the type of thermometer.

A community project is not only about the code, it is also about enabling
participation by letting the project go outdoors with distributed revision
control systems, by letting it back indoors with a regular review process,
by feeding it catnip with demos to play with, and by letting the vet
check it for bugs regularly. In the end, there may still be hairballs
but some people will hopefully fall in love with your project.
Python La cyber-archéologie, ou l'art d'essayer de découvrir des fichiers et des répertoires non-exposés sur un domaine donné est depuis très longtemps un sujet connu et surtout outillé. Cependant, les outils déjà sur le marché comme Nikto, Dirbuster, Vega, skipfish ou autres couvrent mal la problématique. Alors que certains sont simplement des détecteurs de vulnérabilités très complet avec une extension pour ce type d'opération, d'autre sont mal maintenu, prompt à de faux positifs ou carrément trop lent pour la tâche. Tachyon se positionne comme un outil de cyber-archéologie dédié. Avec son architecture de plugin, son exécution parallèle optimisée, son approche novatrice pour la détection de faux positifs et son support pour le réseau Tor, l'outil se démarque lors des situations réelles. La session présentera l'outil, les raisons de son existence, sa technique de détection de faux-positifs ainsi que son architecture de plugins. Si nous avons le temps, nous écrirons un petit plugin en exemple
Python Weakly held opinions, minimal complexity, and a strong philosophy combine to produce an extremely light-weight, efficient, and flexible web framework. WebCore features authentication and authorization that makes no assumptions about your application model, pluggable template and serialization engine API, self-organizing WSGI middleware, trivially simple multi-DB support, and first-class support for filesystem-like object dispatch, routes, XML-RPC, and Flash AMF.

WebCore scales from the trivial 5-line application through multi-component enterprise-scale applications and powers the Contentment CMS.

Contentment is a pluggable object-based CMF/CMS utilizing MongoDB as the storage engine built on top of WebCore and designed for extremely flexible integration as pure-CMS, hybrid, or contained within an existing application.

This 45-minute presentation will cover philosophy, features, and examples for both WebCore and Contentment.
Python An introduction on how to unit test in Python. This talk is for Python developers who want to make sure their apps are tested correctly. It steps you through the libraries to user, how to do testing, mocking of external libraries, an overview of testing web apps and how to integrate with continuous integration.

This will be a detailed talk going through all the steps and pointing out common pitfalls.
Python Django is well-suited for e-commerce, and there are currently several nascent django e-commerce frameworks in development. This talk is about the development of django-oscar, a framework designed to leverage Django's core functionality to allow domain-driven e-commerce applications to be built. This is a very powerful approach.

Writing django apps which are flexible enough to be adapted to a wide variety of scenarios is a non-trivial problem which will be explored. The talk will also cover a range of e-commerce best practices and how they can be implemented in Django.

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