February 26-28, 2014
Montreal, Canada

Don't Be STUPID, Grasp SOLID

When it comes to Object Oriented Programming, there is no shortage of guidelines and principles for how to properly design an OO system. There is also no shortage of acronyms to describe these principles: DRY, SRP, LSP, LoD, ISP, OCP, etc. However, there are two acronyms that really shine through to describe how to, and how not to do OOP well. The two acronyms are SOLID and STUPID (respectively).

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Anthony Ferrara

Anthony Ferrara is currently a Developer Advocate for Google, a Zend Certified Engineer and a OWASP member. He is a contributor to multiple Open Source projects as well as the community as a whole. He is also a former Core Team Member and Development Coordinator for the Joomla! project, as well as a former leader of its Security team. You can follow his blog at blog.ircmaxell.com or on Twitter at @ircmaxell

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