24 au 26 février 2016
Montréal, Canada

Node.js Authentication and Data Security

The arena of proper auth & data security standards is often some of the most misunderstood, confusing, and tricky aspects of building Node apps. Using open source auth techniques and proper data encryption standards, we’ll learn how to make intelligent decisions on creating a solid infrastructure to protect our users and data. We’ll dive into auth systems, data attack vectors, how to protect your systems, and common security pitfalls in Node.

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Jonathan LeBlanc


Jonathan LeBlanc is an Emmy award winning software engineer, author of the O’Reilly books "Identity and Data Security for Web Development" and "Programming Social Applications", and the Director of Developer Advocacy at Box.

Specializing in identity, auth and security, hardware to web interconnectivity, and data mining techniques, as well as open source initiatives around social engagement, Jonathan works on the development of emerging initiatives towards building a more user-centric web.

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