24 au 26 février 2016
Montréal, Canada

Conférence PHP à Montréal

PHP Implementing a REST API is not only about designing correct resource URLs. I will talk about the software and system engineering half it takes to build a data API. I will show concrete examples from a PHP project where we gather data from dozens of different services and systems and build a quickly accessible data index. The main technology stack is Symfony, Elasticsearch and Varnish.
PHP Are you ready for the robot apocalypse? Can you build your own internet of things? This task is made simple with the use of a web server and an Arduino. Learn how to make household monitoring and management tasks easier with Arduino and a wifi module.
PHP Let's build a nice REST API with all the recent helper we can find.
First of all, we will take some time to see, in theory, what's asked to build a Restful API.
Then we'll see some code with the usage of :
- FOSRestBundle, and save a lot of time;
- JMS serializer and its awesome features;
- the HATEOAS project, very nice to unlock the third level of the Richardson maturity model;
- And finaly, a little bit of guzzle to ease communicatio
PHP Learn how PHP 7 is likely to impact your application and how to identify potential BC breaks. Now would also be a good time to revisit your deploy strategy to make sure it is safe, efficient and atomic and makes use of the latest features of PHP 7.
PHP Doctrine ORM is a complex tool that enables development of very advanced applications, but are you actually using it correctly?

What if you have been using the ORM incorrectly or in an inefficient way?

We are going to inspect the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to application design with this Data mapper, and come up with a set of best practices that will be useful for your projects.
PHP With the Varnish caching proxy you can greatly increase the speed of websites and handle a lot more load. The basics are quite simple once you understand how the cache handling in HTTP works, so we will look into that first. Then I will go into advanced topics like cache tagging and cache invalidation or using edge side includes.
PHP An indepth dive into using Behat/Mink/Selenium for BDD testing.

I will cover Installation, building Contexts, avoiding data deadlocks, common gotchas and "test user account" syndrome, using Selenium to test JavaScript, best practices for writing tests (what to avoid, what to aspire for, writing stories like you mean it, how to get your product owners to write them) and integrating that into your continuous integration toolset.
PHP When Node.js made its first appearance in 2009 many declared that to be the end of PHP. Yet today, about 6 years later, both environments are very much alive and kicking! Even better: Combining the two may very well be the answer to the needs of the next generation of web applications. This talk will introduce you to a system- and software-architecture that combines Node.js, PHP and Redis into a truly powerful web stack.
PHP The new, shiny app you built solves all the problems of your business. However, as time goes, as new features are added, it's been getting slow. Your manager has noticed and asks you to make it faster. Where do you start? What can you do? Before you start thinking about rewriting feature (or worse, the whole app) from scratch, we'll see how you can profile, benchmark, and restructure tiny parts of your application to make it much faster.
PHP Satisfied with your unit test code coverage? Are you sure that your code is thoroughly tested, and not merely executed by the tests? Learn what mutation testing is, and how Humbug can help you give your test suite a run for its money. Humbug is a tool that injects defects and regressions in your code and then checks if your tests noticed.
PHP Heard about PHPSpec? Well its PHP object mocking framework called Prophecy is quite nice. We'll discover its API, similarities and improvements regarding the one from PHPUnit. Finally, we'll take a look at the integration of Prophecy in PHPUnit.
PHP New versions of PHPUnit that add new functionality are released bi-monthly. These releases do not break backwards compatibility, making it easy to stay up-to-date. PHPUnit 5.0, however, had to break backwards compatibility in October 2015 to support PHP 7. We will discuss how PHPUnit had to be adapted for PHP 7, how PHPUnit benefits from PHP 7, what additional changes PHPUnit 5.0-5.2 have brought, and we'll close with a look ahead to PHPUnit 6.
PHP Design patterns are conceptual solutions to solve common redundant problems in software engineering. However, learning them is not easy as litterature or tutorials on the Internet often introduce them with theorical examples. This talk gives you a slightly different approach by introducing design patterns with practical code samples to solve real world problems. You won't just learn design patterns, you will also discover how to leverage them!
PHP For designers and developers working alone or in small teams, making websites live, or making updates can often involve remembering what has changed and manually syncing files over FTP. This fragile process can easily leave your site broken.

In this talk aimed at designers and new developers, I look at some of the ways we can improve this process.
PHP Did you ever have to maintain a 12-year-old application? Dead code and tables everywhere, static methods, database queries in between HTML tags and some pages still in PHP3. This presentation will lead you through a progressive rewrite from very old legacy to the latest shiny version of PHP. Learn how to automate legacy testing, how to seamlessly jump between the old and new parts, and how to overcome other challenges that arise from dealing with
PHP PHP 7 is here. It brings drastic performance and efficiency improvements to the point that it will reshape the data center footprint of PHP sites globally. It also brings a number of new features including new coalesce and spaceship operators, scalar typing, zero-cost assertions, anonymous classes and much more.
PHP PHP 7 is here. It brings drastic performance and efficiency improvements to the point that it will reshape the data center footprint of PHP sites globally. It also brings a number of new features including new coalesce and spaceship operators, scalar typing, zero-cost assertions, anonymous classes and much more.
PHP 'When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' Do you find yourself always reaching for your favorite language whenever you need to build a solution? In this talk, we’ll explore a real-world PHP project that selectively migrated to Go. We’ll discuss where PHP shines, why we chose Go where it doesn’t, and how an investment in finding the right tool for the job improved not only the project itself, but the team as a whole.
PHP ZF is a highly customizable and very powerful framework, and with great power comes great… chaos!

Yes, you will eventually introduce problems in your application by taking shortcuts and using dirty hacks "just because you can".

Fear not! There there are some simple strategies that you can use to avoid problems.

We will look into various ways of developing flexible and reusable modules, services and configurations, and uncommon mistakes.

Explorez les 151 présentations

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