24 au 26 février 2016
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Java et languages JVM à Montréal

Java et languages JVM Spring Boot, the new convention-over-configuration centric framework from the Spring team at Pivotal, marries Spring's flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development not just fly, but pleasant!

Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long for a look at what Spring Boot is, why it's turning heads, why you should consider it for your next application or microservice!
Java et languages JVM Work takes time to flow through an organization and ultimately be deployed to production where it captures value. It’s critical to reduce time-to-production.

But velocity, for velocity’s sake, is dangerous. Microservices invite architectural complexity that few are prepared to address. In this talk, we’ll look at how high performance organizations make short work of that complexity with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Java et languages JVM Using a small, land-based robotic vehicle assembled from off-the-shelf components and running Java, the presenter will demonstrate the build process, the robot's onboard sensor array, and how to connect it to the cloud. Examples of real-world use cases will be demonstrated and broader applicability will be shown in varied domains, including industrial facilities, public health/safety, and office environmental monitoring.
Java et languages JVM Microservices seems to have become the new kid of the buzzword block in our ever colorful industry. In this session we will explore what microservices really mean within the relatively well established context of distributed computing/SOA, when they make sense and how to develop them using the lightweight, simple, productive Java EE programming model.
Java et languages JVM General-purpose computing on the GPU (GPGPU) is no longer the domain of pure academic research. It is being used in real-world applications such as image processing and face recognition, cryptography, big data analysis, and Bitcoin mining. In this session we will examine the available GPGPU frameworks, learn how to integrate GPU processing into our regular .NET and Java applications, and see demonstrations of some interesting GPGPU use-cases.
Java et languages JVM Java 8 est désormais la seule version supportée. Vous y êtes? Votre monde est peuplé de lambda? Mais vous n'êtes même pas sûr d'avoir digéré les génériques? Je vous comprends.

Les lambda, aussi sexy soient-ils, ajoutent à la complexité. Mélanger aux génériques, il s'agit d'un cocktail explosif.

Nous allons parcourir les tréfonds des génériques et des lambda. Expliquer pourquoi. Fournir des solutions. Tout pour aborder Java 8 sereinement.
Java et languages JVM This talk covers Java 8 Streams in details and using programming puzzles will discuss about various techniques with Streams: how to do complex data processing , queries with Streams API, how to use all the goodies like map, flatMap,filter, how to group, and partition data, how to use infinite streams, parallel streams, creating lazy lists.
If you are a beginner or a pro with Java 8 wanting to challenge your knowledge there is something for all!
Java et languages JVM Groovy is a dynamic language that provides different types of metaprogramming techniques. In this talk we'll mainly see Runtime Metaprogramming.
In this talk you'll understand the Groovy Meta-Object-Protocol (MOP), the metaclass, how to intercept method calls, how to deal with method missing and property missing, the use of mixins, traits and categories. All of these topics will be explained with examples in order to understand them.
Java et languages JVM Learn how to build scalable, self-sustaining Embedded Ecosystems powered by small-scale Renewable Energy (solar, wind) systems – and connect those systems to cloud services. Hardware components include Raspberry Pis, Arduinos, weather/environmental sensors, & physical control devices; software includes Java Embedded, Cloud services, & JavaScript.
Java et languages JVM How many times have you ever heard the term "Full-Stack developer"? In most of the cases it means that you have to be fluent with a backend language, html, javascript, maybe Android or iOS... What if I told you that you can be a Full-Stack developer using only Groovy?

In this talk I'll present the technological stack of Polaromatic, and you'll learn that it's possible to write the whole stack using Groovy. Isn't that amazing?
Java et languages JVM As our industry matures there is an increasing demand for high-throughput, low-latency systems heavily utilizing event-driven programming and asynchronous processing. This trend is rapidly converging on the somewhat well established but so-far not well understood term "Reactive".

This session explores how Java EE as a whole aligns with this movement via features and APIs like JMS, MDB, EJB @Asynchronous, JAX-RS/Servlet/WebSocket async, etc.
Java et languages JVM Whether you like it or not, Scala is here to stay. Appeared about 12 years ago, it is today widely used among high traffic websites such as Netflix or Twitter, and is supported by an ever growing community. However, despite its hype, Scala is still considered as relatively obscure by many developers. In this talk, we'll introduce its main aspects, and expose the reasons why you should consider it as your next skill to learn...or not.
Java et languages JVM Have you ever wanted to build your own Siri? Building a custom speech recognizer may be easier than you think. Java has many many open source tools for DIY speech recognition, including state-of-the art libraries like deeplearning4j, caffe, and CMUSphinx. In this session, we will demonstrate a few of these tools in action and show you how to use them to build a robust and accurate voice user interface for Java applications.

Explorez les 151 présentations

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