24 au 26 février 2016
Montréal, Canada

You don’t need JavaScript for that!

We have been using JavaScript toolkits like jQuery to make manipulating the DOM easier. New features in HTML5 & CSS3 should’ve made old development strategies obsolete, and yet we’re still using jQuery to do things better suited for HTML5 & CSS3. Why? Well, old habits die hard. In this session let’s look at ways we used to build interactivity in JavaScript and see how we can transform them into more optimal solutions using plain old HTML and CSS.

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Ben Ilegbodu


Ben is a Christian, a husband and a father with over 10 years of experience developing for the Web. He currently is a Senior UI Engineer on Eventbrite’s Frontend Platform team. On the side, Ben also enjoys playing basketball, watching movies, and blogging (benmvp.com) / tweeting (@benmvp) about his experiences with new web development technologies.

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