22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

The Age of Micro Frontends

With 2 major web technology advancements, container queries and the decoupling of module federation from webpack, Micro Frontends architecture about to become as ubiquitous and mainstream as microservices. So what do you need to know? What are the pitfalls and tradeoffs, and what can you do to introduce Micro Frontends to your web application architecture?

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Adam L Barrett

This Dot Labs

Adam L Barrett is a JavaScript and Front-End consultant, a contributor to open source, and avid bike-shedder. Adam believes, when writing conference bios, he should probably mention his two children, his love of movies and probably his hobbies, like hosting a board game podcast, to help the reader connect with him as a person, but ...well, that sounds sort of manipulative so Adam has chosen not to. Adam is above that.

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