8 au 10 mars 2017
Montréal, Canada

Conférence .NET à Montréal

.NET Do you know what developers do most of their day (except for surfing the internet)?
Writing code? WRONG!
They are debugging. The debugger is a powerful tool, but in this talk you'll learn tricks that will help find bugs in half the time and with less frustration. Because a happy developer is a productive developer.
This session will show you tools that will point to you to right direction and features you didn't know that are even there.
.NET Reactive applications are designed to handle asynchronous events in a way that maximizes responsiveness, resiliency, and elasticity. Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library that abstracts away the sources of events and provides tools to handle them in a reactive way.
With Rx, filtering events, composing event sources, transforming events, and dealing with errors all become much simpler than with traditional tools and paradigms.
.NET The move from desktop apps to web apps created new performance challenges, as code executed on private computers now execute on centralized servers. In this presentation, the attendee will learn where to look when a performance issue arise in a web application. He will also see an overview of the tooling available for performance optimization: monitoring platforms, profilers and .net specific tools.
.NET Learn how to incorporate Azure Search into your application to allow your users to find the data they are looking for. The session will start with how to create, populate and search indexes. Then it will cover how to quickly add more advanced query capabilities such as type-ahead, facets, phonetic search and more.
.NET This session will bring you up to speed with all the goodness of ASP.NET Core, formerly known as ASP.NET 5, using a practical, demo-first approach: I'm going to show you how to build an application for monitoring a fish tank!
You will learn how the new lightweight version of .NET, .NET Core works and how to program multi platform web applications! And I won't forget the new features in MVC.
.NET Dans cette présentation nous verrons une brève introduction aux design patterns, leur origine et pourquoi nous devrions les apprendre après quoi nous passerons le reste du temps à transformer un exemple de code en appliquant certains des « patterns » les plus communs comme : factory, decorator, composite, command, …
.NET Containers are changing the way we design and develop systems. In this workshop, Ben will explore how to combine .NET applications and Docker to improve your infrastructure. The talk will discuss the key points of running Docker in production, how to migrate applications and what you need to be aware of.

At the end, attendees will understand how to build, deploy and scale .NET applications as containers.
.NET Normalize, normalize, normalize! If you close your eyes at night you're still normalizing your relational database while having nightmares about how to create all these complex joins without loosing too much performance.
Set yourself free! Use a document DB. If you've never seen one before, don't worry, I'll quickly explain the basics at the beginning of this session. Then I'll show you everything there is to know about DocumentDB in Azure.
.NET There are many ways to share code between .Net/Xamarin applications running on different platforms, but what is the best way to deal with the platform specific code? In this session you'll learn how to use shared files, dependency injection, portable class libraries, and shared projects to isolate platform specific code from the re-usable shared code.
.NET Write once read many. Stop rediscovering what you already figured out. In this presentation we will see five effective low-cost refactoring practices that will help improve the clarity of your code. You should take time once to make your code easier to read so no one else will have to spend that time again. In this session you will gain valuable tips to help you accomplish just that.

Explorez les 156 présentations

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