8 au 10 mars 2017
Montréal, Canada

Conférence Java et languages JVM à Montréal

Java et languages JVM Microservices invite architectural complexity that few are prepared to address. In this talk, we’ll look at how high performance organizations like Ticketmaster, Alibaba, and Netflix make short work of that complexity with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

We'll look at the patterns required to build distributed systems including centralized configuration, client-side loadbalancing, circuit breakers, distributed tracing, single signon, and more.
Java et languages JVM Amazon Lambda is shaking-up Java server-side development. Now you can write services in the cloud without having to think about app servers or containers. This is revolutionary. This session will cover Amazon Lambda and some of the other services that will reduce the about of code and infrastructure you have to write and maintain.
Java et languages JVM Docker is a famous containerization technology, but how can Java developers leverage it?
During this talk, we will first introduce what Docker is and the main tools leveraging it (Machine, Swarm, etc.)
Attendees will also discover how to create a Docker image from their Java app, how to deploy it to an internal or public registry, how to leverage Jenkins to automate those steps, and some nice IDE goodies to help them along the way!
Java et languages JVM It is time to move your Java EE builds over to Gradle! Gradle continues to gain momentum across the industry. In fact, Google is now pushing Gradle for Android development. Gradle draws on lessons learned from both Ant and Maven and is the next evolutionary step in Java build tools. This session will cover the basics of switching existing Java EE projects over to Gradle (that use Maven) and the benefits that you will reap such an incremental comp
Java et languages JVM A long time ago J2EE and especially application servers were considered to be too bloated and "heavyweight". It could be quite tedious and discouraging for developers to use that technology for developing applications. But since the name change to Java EE that assumption is not true anymore.

This session shows the benefits of developing against a well-established standard and why Java EE is one of the most lightweight and productive solutions.
Java et languages JVM Programmers can find domain specific languages everywhere from XML to SQL. What if we could read and write DSLs in a completely type safe manner? One way to do this is implement your own custom developer tools. But there is a second way! You can write a type-safe API in a statically typed language like Java, giving IDE-agnostic completion and static analysis. We'll explore how to generate your own custom DSL interpreter in Kotlin.
Java et languages JVM Vous pensez que le streaming et le machine learning ne sont là que pour faire du "Big Data". Que nenni !
Je vous propose un petit détournement de ces technos pour quelque chose de nettement moins big mais tout aussi data et bien plus amusant : jouer avec la musique !
Je vous montrerai comment à l’aide de quelques accessoires, et quelques lignes de code nous pourrons créer de nouvelles façons d’interagir avec de la musique !
Java et languages JVM Let's examine the ups & downs of adopting a microservices architecture and why, in most cases, the pros outweigh the cons. The presenter will discuss & demonstrate how to build & integrate microservices using popular open source tools. Risks & mitigation strategies will be discussed & shown, including load balancers, circuit breakers, tests, & other mechanisms at your disposal to increase software quality.
Java et languages JVM Everybody is doing REST -- at least everybody claims they are. But mostly web APIs are built without Hypermedia, what would allow the client to follow related resources and autonomously navigate through the API without prior implicit logic of the application.

This sessions shows the concept and benefits of a Hypermedia driven REST API and how to implement this using JavaEE 7 with JAX-RS.
Java et languages JVM Spring Boot has taken the world by storm. In this talk we'll look at how to build production-worthy services and applications quickly and easily with Spring Boot, building upon the best-of-breed components from all across the Java ecosystem.
Java et languages JVM Depuis un certain temps vous entendez parler de Scala, en particulier pour les plateformes réactives et big data?
L’engouement pour ce langage augmente de plus en plus et vous vous demandez pourquoi?
Je vous propose quelques éléments de réponse dans ce talk ou je m’efforcerai de présenter le langage et son écosystème de la façon la plus objective que possible... oui promis :)

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