26 au 28 février, 2020
Hôtel Bonaventure

Build your first Machine Learning model

Scikit learn, decision forests, pandas, numpy, Jupyter Notebooks, where do I start? Machine learning can help you analyze data and get information to make better decisions, but it can also be intimidating. In this session I'll explain the basic steps required to train a machine learning model then we'll see how that looks in actual code using Python code in a Jupyter Notebook.

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Susan Ibach


Susan Ibach (aka @HockeyGeekGirl) does business development and partner management for SteamLabs, a non-profit that develops STEM and STEAM education experiences, specializing in Artificial Intelligence. Susan is a self professed geek with over 20 years experience in industry in a wide variety of technologies and roles. She is known as an engaging speaker who strives to make sure her content is relevant to the audience.

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