26 au 28 février, 2020
Montréal, Canada

Conférence .NET à Montréal

.NET What is legacy code? Did I just write more of it? ASP.NET rebooted itself to make it more maintainable and performant. Let's learn to build highly maintainable code as well. We'll look at the low-hanging fruit to get you on a path to avoiding the common pitfalls and reach for the easy wins. You can avoid legacy.
.NET Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, Theano. There are numerous ways to build deep neural networks in Python to accomplish amazing tasks such as computer vision, voice assistance and much more.
But what about in .NET? Let's explore that!
Join me in this session where we'll explore the ins and outs of deep learning and neural networks. We'll take a deep dive in to the hot open-source, cross-platform library ML.NET and build our own neural network in C#.
.NET In the classic paper Data on the Outside versus Data on the Inside Pat Helland argued that data within a service boundary should be treated differently than data residing outside of it.

Here, I shall argue that the same applies to messages. Inside a service boundary messages are tightly coupled to the corresponding data manipulations. Outside, the world is much more hostile and less predictable and communication strategy needs to be adequate.
.NET In a distributed system messages sometimes get lost or duplicated. That's a fact of life. It is really hard to execute business logic that assumes one trigger equals one outcome when a trigger can be lost or fire twice.

One way of dealing with the problem is taking advantage of natural idempotency of some operations, e.g. adding element to a set. But let's face it, most code is more complex than that. Join me an explore some alternatives.
.NET Functional programming has been a hot topic these days, new languages are being developed, others are getting traction and functional programming practices are being applied to all different sorts of programming languages. In this talk, I will present F#, a stable, mature and well support functional programming language that you can use today to solve a variety of types of problems, and you won't need a major in Math to put it to use.
.NET gRPC is now natively supported in ASP.NET Core. It's more efficient than any API technique you've ever used and it's is way, way faster. That makes it very suitable for communication between microservices.
I will talk about what gRPC is but also how you can implement it right away in any ASP.NET Core application. On the consuming side there's also a lot to like!
You'll leave with the ability to create and consume APIs on steroids.
.NET Together, we will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks: listening for new packages on NuGet.org (using a custom binding), indexing packages in a distributed way, and exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result. Expect code, insights into the service design process, and more!
.NET In this talk, Steve will explore how we can build .NET Core applications that make HTTP requests and rely on downstream services. This session will focus on improvements which have been released in .NET Core, such as IHttpClientFactory and the new, more performant socket-based handler. Steve will identify some HTTP anti-patterns and common mistakes and demonstrate how we can refactor existing code to use the new HttpClientFactory features.
.NET Have you ever wanted to make your apps “smarter”? This session will cover what every ML/AI developer should know about Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) . Why it’s important and how it can reduce friction in incorporating machine learning models to your apps. We will show how to train models using the framework of your choice, save or convert models into ONNX, and deploy to cloud and edge using a high-performance runtime.
.NET How would you like an API doesn’t use REST, has just has one endpoint that has the ability to return data in a form that exactly suits the data consuming application? This becomes a reality with GraphQL!
After watching this practical session you’ll be ready to implement GraphQL in your applications and write queries against it. But most of all you’ll be convinced that using GraphQL has lots of benefits compared to REST!
.NET In this session, you'll learn how to write C# code which executes faster and allocates less. This session is packed with practical examples and demos of where the latest high-performance APIs that can be applied in your applications. During this session, we'll apply types such as Span<T> and Memory<T> to efficiently parse data and we'll examine System.IO.Pipelines, for high-performance I/O.
.NET We all like building and deploying applications. But what happens once that’s done? How do we know if our application behaves like we expect it to behave? Of course, logging! But how do we get that data off of our machines? How do we sift through a bunch of seemingly meaningless diagnostics? In this session, we’ll look at how we can keep track of our application using concepts like structured logging and Azure Application Insights.
.NET Do you want to build full-stack with your stack? We'll build an ASP.NET website using Blazor and WebAPI, a back-end service using Service Worker and gRPC. Then we'll build the same website with Node using Express, Vue.js, gRPC, and PM2. Along the way we'll compare and contrast these technologies to empower you to use JavaScript or C# front-to-back for your next project. You'll leave with functional samples, and a methodology to choose.

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