February 18-20, 2015
Montreal, Canada

Python Conference 2015

Python A talk on how to structure complex production-ready Django applications.
Python Over the last few years JavaScript frameworks have come of age. Whether you use Backbone, Ember, or Angular, developers are coming to grips with a more MVC type approach that has been used by backend developers for years. Server side development has also evolved to support more REST / API based communication. Learn the ins and outs of Angular and Flask together to build an end-to-end solution.
Python Through this talk, I will show you how to setup Alembic to enable database migration with SQLAlchemy and how to properly integrate it in your deployment toolchain. I will also highlight strategies to move from SQL scripts to a complete migration system using Alembic. Finally, I will give tips on how to support custom types and specific databases' extensions.
Python Si la facilité de développement est assurée avec Django, il n'en est pas de même pour la scabilité. L'utilisation abusive de certains modules comme Paginator peuvent vite se transformer en gouffre à IO. Il sera fait une démonstration de l'utilisation de fonctions comme bulk_create ou cursor.copy_from, vous ne ferez plus jamais un .save() dans une boucle sans y réfléchir.
Python Dynamic documentation is relevant to developers because the information lives where they actually interact with it, and relevant to key stakeholders because it can be presented in a consumable, curated format. This talk will discuss a unified documentation system using Python and open source tools that pull from an issue tracker and wiki to export specification documentation on-demand. Let's eliminate outdated docs that require repeated efforts.
Python Using Flask, the Python micro-framework, you can expose an API to allow users a simple way to interact with your application. Flask gives you the ability to build an ecosystem around your service. User-accessible APIs are a must-have for any web application. From uploading content to accessing data, Flask is well-suited to securely expose your web app to the larger community.
Python Aren't sure your mobile app will play nice with your next web app release? Got a tricky session-related bug that's difficult to reproduce in the browser, but is confounding your support team? Just want to see what your HTML pages are loading, and when? Sounds like a job for an inspecting proxy server like Charles or mitmproxy!

We'll cover inspecting HTTP(S) proxy basic, & some use cases for why and when this skillset should be in your toolkit.
Python Python 2.7, derniere version majeure de la série 2.x, est sorti en juillet 2010, et ne sera plus maintenue aprés 2018 (dans 3 ans !). Il est donc impératif de passer à Python 3 pour disposer des nouvelles fonctionnalités sorties depuis. Cette session est un passage en revue de toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités depuis Python 3.0 pour vous remettre au niveau et comprendre les apports du passage à la version 3.
Python Pendant 7 ans, j'ai participé au développement d'un produit développé en Python / C (~180k SLOC) chez un éditeur logiciel. Je vous propose un retour d'expérience et quelques réflexions personnelles sur l'utilisation de Python sur un projet de cette taille. Je détaillerai ce qui est pour moi des points de friction avec le langage et les moyens de les contourner.
Python Of the microframeworks out there, the big boy on the block is Flask, and the other popular alternative, that offers a super simple API with a lot of power, is bottle.py. While you can build out server-side web with bottle, we'll focus in on building out an RESTful API, and see why this microframework offers big things for your development.
Python WebSockets are notoriously difficult to setup with Django. In this talk, Rami will present the state of WebSockets in Django and showcase several of the methods available to developers.

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