February 23-25, 2022
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Ivar Grimstad

Ivar Grimstad

Ivar Grimstad is the Jakarta EE Developer Advocate at Eclipse Foundation. He is a Java Champion and JUG Leader based in Sweden.

Besides advocating the Jakarta EE technologies, Ivar is contributing to the Jakarta EE specifications as well as being the PMC Lead for Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J). He is also one of the specification leads for Jakarta MVC and represents Eclipse Foundation in the JCP Executive Committee.

Ivar is a frequent speaker at International developer conferences.

Proposals - Montreal 2022

Jakarta MVC 2.0 - The Good Parts!

Server Side Rendering seems to be getting a revival this year, so maybe it is time to take a look at Jakarta MVC again? You will learn how to implement the models, views, and controllers of a Jakarta MVC application. We will also see in practice how Jakarta MVC supports data binding, security, internationalization and observability. To spice it up, we will play around with the wide range of view engines supported by Eclipse Krazo.

Leveraging Java 17 Features with Jakarta EE

You have probably heard that the minimum runtime supported by Jakarta EE 10 will be Java SE 11. That means that the APIs will be able to use Java 11 language features, and will be compiled to Java 11. However, compatible implementations of Jakarta EE 10 may certify using Java SE 17. In this session, I will show how easy it is to get started using Java SE 17 features in a Jakarta EE application.

Get Ready for Jakarta EE 10!

Get the latest update of what's coming in Jakarta EE 10! Jakarta EE 9 lowered the barriers of entry and established a foundation for future innovation paving the way for Jakarta EE 10. The session will give you a clear understanding of what's new in Jakarta EE 10, and how to migrate from previous versions of Jakarta EE and Java EE.