February 23-25, 2022
Online, Timezone GMT-5

Online JavaScript Conference

JavaScript Astro is the hot new static site builder for creating user-centric websites with “islands” of interactivity ...and the coolest part: You can even use React, Vue or Svelte components to build your site, or a combination of them, it doesn’t matter, it’s whatever you prefer.

So come learn about the Islands Architecture, the features of Astro and how you can build full featured interactive websites
JavaScript Nobody questions building back ends with NodeJS anymore. It has proven itself and is widely accepted as an excellent platform for web servers. But have you ever thought of building CLI tools with NodeJS? It turns out that NodeJS is also great at that. Using just a few simple built-in modules, you can create powerful tools that can be used in terminals in all operating systems. In this talk, the attendees will learn how to use those modules.
JavaScript While a relative newcomer, Svelte has gained quite a bit of popularity as a front-end web framework. Developers can quickly create apps using a syntax which feels natural. In this session we'll explore what makes the framework unique and how to create a Svelte project. We'll see how to create components, and work with properties, events and state.
JavaScript How much can we do with Kafka in a lunch break? Let's find out.

In this live-coding session we'll build a real-time dashboard from scratch. Dancing across three languages - KSQL, Java and JavaScript - we'll piece together the skeleton of a dashboard that could serve KPIs to everyone in your organisation, or just form the basis of your next lunchtime hacking session.
JavaScript From loading Ajax requests in browsers to have full-blown frameworks; Javascript has come a long way. While moving stuff from backend to frontend the problems of backend are also ported. The Bigger the code gets bigger the problems, more dependencies, eventually all the problems of a huge monolith.
With Microfrontends, we can break this monolith into smaller independent, maintainable apps.
Sounds good? Let’s see how in this talk.
JavaScript My talk will present the state of the art for web3, decentralized architectures and tools. You will learn how simple it is to create your own decentralised app using your current coding skills and JavaScript! Ethereum is also the platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Join to learn all the potential for Ethereum blockchain!
JavaScript TypeScript est devenu très populaire auprès des développeurs, mais de nombreux projets n'exploitent pas au maximum les avantages de ce langage.
Cette présentation sera l'occasion de voir un ensemble de trucs, astuces et bonnes pratiques pour les développeurs qui veulent aller plus loin que "juste" mettre des annotations de type.
JavaScript Understanding the inner workings of a GraphQL server can be a daunting experience. This talk will touch everything from defining schemas and implementing resolvers to federating multiple schemas together, with examples using ApolloServer in NodeJS.
JavaScript It’s no secret that engaging with your users will help you retain them, have more sales, & increase the user experience(UX). One of the most popular ways to engage your users is via push notifications. In this talk, you will learn about the benefits of push notifications, how to integrate them into your Web applications, and some of the most common scenarios of engagement with push notifications to take your customer engagement to the next level.
JavaScript Beer brewing can be fun, but combining brewing with IoT device hacking is even funner. It is possible to connect and collect data about almost anything, including the fermentation process inside a closed fermenter. In this presentation, the speaker will introduce basic concepts of IoT devices, how to collect the data efficiently and how to use JavaScript to extract it. if you’re new to beer brewing, don’t worry; we will cover the basics!
JavaScript In early 2021, I took on the daunting task of moving my established 5-year-old Wordpress blog to Next.js. Why? I wanted those shiny all green Lighthouse scores. Something I heard was achievable with Next.js and Jamstack. I attained the coveted all green scores, and I learned a lot along the way. First impressions, Next.js is awesome. In this talk, you’ll learn about why Next.js is awesome, static site generation, and Jamstack.
JavaScript Refactoring takes time. It's also risky. It's embarrassing to spend hours cleaning up some code, only to introduce a regression in prod your colleagues have to revert.

What if you could *safely* refactor the code with a simple keystroke?

I'm gonna show you how YOU can do that in JavaScript with VS Code. Better: I'll teach you how to craft your own code transformations. Follow me, down the AST rabbit hole!
JavaScript RxJS and React are like chocolate and peanut butter, two great JavaScript libraries that become even better when brought together. This delicious combination lets you write succinct, expressive code that lets you create complex web applications "without a lot of noise".
JavaScript Self-contained vanilla web components can be included in any framework. You can use these techniques to build a dependency-free small app with almost no overhead, or to create cross-framework shared UI modules.

I will show you how these features to create a small standalone app: custom elements; shadow DOM; templates; CSS custom properties (variables); semantic HTML with aria; ES6 import/export; DOMParser.
JavaScript Have you struggled to get TypeScript and Vue to play well together? Me too. Vue is a fantastic SPA framework, and TypeScript is a great way for catching errors faster. Together, they can boost your productivity. Join us as we peel back the layers of TypeScript and look at the tricks of the trade to get them playing well together. You'll leave with a solid methodology and code samples to get started with Vue + TypeScript.

Explore all 145 sessions